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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
136 Report of the Value of Manufacturing and Mining COUNTIES. Froducts—Continued. Leading products. V a l u e of V a l . 1 V a l u e of Population mined P e r capita m a n u fact 'd p e r 1870. p r o d u c t s . i capita p r o d u c t s . Jefferson . . Jersey ... J o Daviess . Johnson... . Kane Kankakee .. Kendall . . . Knox Lake La Salle... Lee Livingston Macon Macoupin Madison Marion Marshall Mason Mas&ac McIIenry.. . McLean Menard . Montgomery Morgan Ogle . . Peoria Perry Pike : ! ! . . Itock Island Sangamon Sell u yler Scott Shelbv Stavk St. Clair Stophenson . . . . Tazewell Union . . . Vermilion Washington White Whitside Will Winnebago —. 17, 864 15,054 27,820 1 11,248 i 39, 091 24, 352 i 12, 39P ! 39,522 21.014 60, 792 12, 533 27. 171 31, 471 23, 053 26,481 32, 726 44, 131 20, 622 Hi, 956 16.184 9, 581 26, 509 23, 762 53, 988 11,735 18, 769 12, 982 25,314 28, 463 10, 385 27, 492 47, 540 13, 723 10, 953 30, 768 11,437 8, 752 6, 280 20, 859 12, 803 29, 783 12, 714 46, 352 17, 419 10, 530 25, 476 10, 751 51,068 30. 608 27, 903 16, 518 30, 388 8,841 23,174 17, 599 19, 758 16, 846 27, 503 43, 013 17,329 29, 301 18, 956 18 334, 922 45 ! 385,166 686, 094 1 45 j 1, 252, 515j 73,302 11 126,635 j 114 4, 693, 397 ! 30 735,639 33 411.080 71 2 835,937 196, 845 32 692, 928 ! 44 395, 535 2,690, 152 16 205, 073 76 2, 066, 295 14 465, 963 i57, 995 40 937. 026 51, 000 58 1,559,629 44 21, 009 1, 681, 591 108 331, 802 4,194,490 44 935, 046 86 56, 040 1, 303, 502 33 545, 678 45 437, 582 17 165, 200 473, 974 698,199 . 29 62 202, 925 3, 367, 647 48 578, 735 44, 720 13 250, 527 28, 325 56 737, 720 64 1, 641, 842 54, 000 45 1, 287, 441 15 161,127 16 442, 741 186 8, 844, 493 12, 000 17 330,249 235, 337 . 4 44, 284 45 1, 415, 577 15 171, 468 62 544, 447 21 134,146 88 1, 846,130 22, 000 40 520, 313 161 356, 770 5, 002, 443 13 175, 493 33 450, 000 1, 806, 286 33 578, 057 21. 450 31 330,121 5, 950 28 722, 473 19, 675 20 222, 990 27, 868 156 7,985,410 24 1,381,045 734,051 70 11,661 1, 958, 718 53 878, 876 23 727,137 189,180 47 418,185 31 740, 089 34, 079 14 1.835,322 57 1,139, 811 30 509, 047 67 1, 846, 085 59 855, 990 2, 565, 907 20 356, 885 3,200 104 2,500 3, 063, 346 25 15, 000 486, 250 | 8 0 $5, 968, 201 Flour 25.58 2 63 Lead, w o o l e n s . Sash, e t c . , liour Agrioul. imp., paper F l o u r , a g r i o u l . inrp. 4.98 6.50 5.02 2.21 .64 7.51 R.U. m a c h i n ' y , flour 3.30 L i q u o r s , flour L u m b e r , flour 6.23 F l o u r 4 ' cheese 4 ' machinery... 3.75 3.81 ' i 1.51 <« 11 4 ' agricul. imp. ** <• 2.13 *' " machinery .. woolens.- .25 ' ' liquors 24.06 Coal Flour, tobacco Flour 1.05 11.97 A g r i c u l . i m p . , flour Flour 972 1.23 W o o l e n s , l u m b e r . . .56 F l o u r .77 i« 2.59 27.04 4 ' agricul. imp.. .41 Flour, lumber 6.22 *' lumber 1.47 A g r i c u l . i m p . , flour Flour 4 ' lumber i9.90 Stone, coal, flour... .18 F l o u r .08 A g r i c u l . i m p . , flour .79 $2.74 «< << $2, 539, 891 |205, 620, 672
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