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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Illinois Industrial University. 135 Assessed value of Manufactured Articles and Railroad Property, from Auditor's Reports, and Reports of the Board of Equalization, Year. L854. 1855. L856. 1857. 1858. 1859 I860 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871 1872. Manufactured Articles. $734,207 884,951 I, 064, 766 1, 296, 758 1, 495,984 1,209,231 1, 364, 551 1, 111, 127 1,034, 702 1, 247, 597 1, 563, 852 1, 929, 072 1, 975, 053 2,263, 336 1, 968, 740 1, 912, 403 2, 092, 973 2,367,178 2, 434, 820 Railroad Property. $6,639,220 7,529, 703 9,131, 475 11,758,695 12, 085, 472 11,243, 722 11, 326, 595 11, 525, 555 12,285, 640 13, 911,303 14, 707, 097 15, 451, 500 14,189,931 15, 847, 726 19,242,141 23, 556,126 24, 384, 428 Value of Manufacturing and Mining Products, Census J 870. COUNTIES. Y a l . Y a l u e of V a l u e of Population mined P e r capita Leading products. mani.ifact 'd p e r 1870. p r o d u c t s . capita X)roducts. Adams Alexander.. Bond Boone .. Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign . Christian... Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford . . . Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt .... Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham . . Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin, Greene Grundy Hamilton .. Hancock Hardin Henderson.. Henry Iroquois . . . Jackson Jasper £56, 10, 13, 12, 12, 32, 6, 16, I1, 32, 20, 18, 15, 16, 25, 349, 13, 12, 23, 14, 13, 16, 21, 7, 15, 19, 9, 12, 38, 11, 20, 14, 13, $5,818,291 $103 744, 815 70 182, 937 13 588, 275 45 251,647 20 634, 891 19 106, 913 16 469, 456 28 293, 252 25 1, 290, 478 39 934, 019 45 432,713 23 272,478 17 796,545 48 1,079,445 42 92, 518, 742 264 263, 385 i 19 230, 773 14 660,265 28 404, 941 27 138,947 10 632,902 37 760,388 35 70, 748 9 547, 920 35 726, 650 37 91, 547 10 100, 632 8 1, 286, 689 33 288, 333 25 573, 868 I 28 278, 598 18 322, 660 24 1, 244, 846 37 27, 775 5 618, 100 49 903, 075 25 804, 857 31 603, 015 30 154, 567 1 13 $85, 687 $2.64 1,789 17, 000 .89 1.05 Me t Ag Wagons, etc 3,665 .22 Flo"^ < i 77, 900 25, 200 146, 900 88, 702 40, 000 158,315 419, 500 Flo"*2.03 ' agricul. i m p . 2.26 9.83 2.46 ' 4 liquors woolen goods. 3.17 4.45 F l o u r , sash, e t c Distilled l i q u o r s . . . 21.36 Coal, l u m b e r
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