UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 [PAGE 120]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874
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JReport of the

List of warrants drawn and unaudited bills.—Continued.

$24 00 6 70 14 50 290 74 56 40 20 00 20 00 27 95 2 00 9 00 20 26 32 00 20 00 12 70 1 00 70 00 100 00 20 00 20 00 333 33 166 66 166 66 166 66 166 66 166 66 166 66 166 66 166 66 100 00 100 00 75 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 15 40 65 00 41 66 40 00 30 00 16 13

424 425 426 427 428 440 439 436 435 434 433 432 431 430 429 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 450 460 461 462 463 464

R. S. W i l b u r Sarrabee & W o r t h , H . W . Sawyer S t u d e n t s ' labor pay-roll. C h a m p a i g n G a s Co , James Faulkner G e o . K. S h a w h a n E. V. Peterson E . S. L a w r e n c e H. A. Munn Fuller & Fuller R . S . Mit<*hell J. W. Bunn S. W . S h a t t u c k I. Sawhead C. I. H a y s E . S. L a w r e n c e G-. R. S h a w b o r n Jas. Faulkner J . M . Gregory A. P . S. S t u a r t S. W . R o b i n s o n F.J.Russell S. W . S h a t t u c k E. Snyder H . C. Taft J . B. Webb. J. C. Pickard K. C Ricker F . W \ Prentice J . D . Crawford A . C. Swartz Charlotte E Patchen P . Gennadius M . A . Scovell C . P . Jeffers A. E . Barnes E. A. Robinson S. W . S h a t t u c k W.C.Flagg H. A. Mann A . C. S c r i b n e r . E. H . McAllister

H a u l i n g 6 c a r s coal Hardware Repairing University piano. M a r c h , 1874 G a s for M a r c h , 1874 Salary, A p r i l , 1874 Stationery and moulding Sawing lumber E x t r a w o r k on c u r t a i n s Glass W o r k on case A t t o r n e y s ' fees P e t t y expenses, March, 1 8 7 4 . . . . . Repairing drain Salary, A p r i l


for April," 1874".".." * *'.'.-". - -

Postage to date

E. COBB, President J U K E 9, 1874.

E. SNYDEB, Rec. Secretary.

The Board met at 4 P . M. Present—Gov. Beveridge, Messrs. Cobb, Gardner, Piekrell, Brown, and Bird. Absent—Messrs. Blackburn, Mason, Slade, Sabin, and Eeynolds. Beading of the minutes of the previous meeting was deferred for the present. Dr. Gregory made a partial report. It was ordered that certificates be granted to the following students, in pursuance to recommendation of the faculty: William Piekrell, W. W. Wharry, Emma VanHorn, Mary G. Burgess, Herbert ;Wheeler, Agnes Chapman, Abel Bliss, H. C. Cate, F . Adelia Potter, C. A. Smith, A. T. Morrow, Alice Cheever, J. P. Campbell, J. O. Baker, J. S. Pierce, C. P. Jeffers, C. W. Groves, H. C. Estep, E. S. Dreury, W. E. Gardner, Warren B. Dunlap, Abram E. Eutan, P. Gennadius, H. S. Eeynolds, Geo. Story, Wm. Watts, E. Newland Porterfield. W. C. Ells, S. M. Proudfit, W. E. Pierce, and K M. Eox.