Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

104 He/port of the yield was better than in 1871, it fell far short in quality or quantity of that of 1872. The corn with which our experiments were made for the most part came up badly ,• the corn was soft and the results of less value than can be desired. The small plats were plowed May 14th and 15th 8 inches deep; harrowed May 22d, planted May 24th ; harrowed with Thomas harrow, June 6th, and cultivated with double shovel plow, June 21st, July 1st, July 12th, and July 17th. The yield was as follows : North. 62 176 133 72 1 128 388 303 132 I 126 63 195 139 72 127 383 308 195 126 358 316 198 127 382 344 *219 62 186 142 73 128 395 310 179 126 377 318 185 126 372 344 212 128 361 331 189 126 406 329 192 128 388 328 188 126 391 321 193 127 386 321 137 127 367 293 138 128 363 284 147 128 384 311 133 124 356 288 169 62 221 140 70 128 381 319 165 127 356 309 189 126 381 340 192 128 382 318 195 125 388 334 203 126 369 301 189 128 361 303 191 128 401 325 185 128 374 292 *128 64 175 144 81 128 377 322 134 126 351 305 182 123 379 328 201 126 382 335 215 128 287 190 126 371 315 183 123 380 332 200 125 358 300 153 122 360 269 134 127 356 282 151- 64 Hills. 170 Stalks. 128 Ears. 64 ! Weight of ears 127 392 342 173 128 344 322 188 127 350 305 157 125 350 318 170 128 236 139 128 384 308 163 127 1 372 355 165 124 350 284 150 124 337 289 157 110 342 288 164 111 309 263 156 116 1 337 291 163 10 I 126 386 325 182 127 361 308 197 126 352 301 174 1 127 389 294 167 1 126 392 293 172 124 365 296 128 1 124 338 293 154 124 343 276 143 1 123 375 296 156 125 354 278 134 128 384 363 212 128 392 332 201 125 382 317 197 125 398 329 203 128 371 314 184 128 391 283 179 125 356 272 158 127 379 294 159 124 358 287 158 373 , 375 128 379 294 161 126 368 308 164 125 378 316 180 127 387 3l» 149 124 381 303 169 324 284 155