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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

98 328 Hosford and Spear 329 Agricultural Department. 330 Mcolet & Schoff. 331 E. R. Peterson 332 Horticultural Department 333 M. E. Lapham & Co 334 Larrabee & North 335 David Weeks 336 Horticultural Department 337 Sabin Bros 338 Wm. Price 339 S. W. Shattuck 340 E. L Lawrence 341 Dodson Hodges 342 Fuel and lights 343 Trevett & Green 344 111. Cent. R. R, Don 345 E. L. Lawrence 346 F.Brown 347 Cyrus Bowen 348 H". A. Mann 349 A. C. Soribner.. .^ 350 111. Cent. R. R. Co 351 HI. Cent. R. R. Don 352 TJ. S. Patent Office 353 Students' Labor Pay Roll. 354 W.S.Maxwell 355 Champaign Gas Co 356 A Snediker 357 Manspeaker & Camp 358 359 Enterprise Coal Co 360 A. E.Blake 361 H. K. Yickroy 362 H. A. Mann 363 C.I. Hays 364 Carpenters' Department.. 365 Mechanical Department.. 366 E. Snyder 367 Carpenters' Department.. Report of the Lantern Hauling coal Two reams letter paper Stationery Hauling lumber Lumber Hardware Gravel and sand Work for other Departments Hard coal Paints, oils, etc Petty expenses Work on Experimental Farm Hardware Furnished Mechanical Department Hardware Freight, Nov., Dec, Jan Farm expenses Repairs of chimney Salary, Foreman, Feb., 1873 Salary, Janitor, Feb., 1874 Advanced freight, Feb. 1874. Freight for Feb., 1874, Binding reports February, 1874 Glass, putty, etc Gas, Feb., 1874 Castings Soap and mop-sticks Five cars coal Work in orchards Expense Feb., 1874, Hort. Dept Hanging curtains Expense Green-house Work to date for other Depts 320 lbs. hard coal Book case Wash stands, etc %\ 25 84 00 13 50 10 50 7 22 137 97 4 67 81 15 100 50 5 85 9 75 30 28 94 72 37 37 288 70 37 30 638 30 327 10 4 00 31 00 40 00 31 00 80 55 166 01 30 00 297 03 9 55 48 40 124 43 1 70 56 00 2 40 27 25 9 00 1 00 177 72 285 48 2 18 23 22 49 00 , Carpenters' Department.. EBPOET OF AUDITING COMMITTEE. The Committee to whom was referred the Treasurer's account beg leave to report that we have examined the Treasurer's boook and compared the same with the Secretary's, and the vouchers on file, and find they agree and are correct Also find vouchers paid on file from No. one (1) to three hundred and ten (310), inclusive ; and also from one (1) to three hundred and sixty-seven (367) inclusive, We find orders issued for the year returned and canceled amounting to $61,074 92. All of which is respectfully submitted. Signed, D. GARDNER, D. D. SABIN. The Treasurer then submitted Estimate of Income for the current year, which was adopted, and the following appropriations from the current fund made from the term from March 1, to August 31,1874 : Regent's Salary Eight Professors Instructor in Architecture Instructor in Language—History Assistant in Chemistry Assistant Veterinary Assistant in Free-hand Drawing Assistants in Engineering, Architecture, Mathematics, French, Botany, etc Librarians Secretary and Treasurer Business" Agent and Book-keeping Janitors and Firemen Horticultural department Mechanical Shops Institution (one term) Board Expense Building and Grounds Fuel.... Stationery and Printing $2,000 00 8,000 00 600 00 300 00 180 00 400 00 160 00 600 00 200 00 500 00 400 00 600 00 $13,940 250 200 250 80 ° 100 450 00 00 00 00 «° 00 00
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