Caption: Dedication - Illini Union (1941) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
The Dlini Union Building has been erected unde. t e n w t\ , _j i the University i< t "Illim i with funds mi. I ,K.. i i„,v.-,sitv > Me tl itv of Illinois Foundation and the Public Work A J ministration and .1 loan from The < !oi e< it M a grant from 1 • Insurance ( >mpany to cover building construction < I rhefurnishin and equipment of the buildin hai been pr. ntributed largely bj alumni and other friends of the Univi »| lounge adjoins the e n t r a n c e lobby and will serve as a general m e e t i n g place a n d r e c e p t i o n hall. T i n lounge will most likely a t t r a c t the men because of the masculine i n t e r i o r and f u r n i s h i n g s , while the itc interior of the north lounge should appeal to the ladies. ang R out h i 1 in 'QOkfc—an In the east w i n g of the first floor arc the main dinii will be served daily ill th< room and the game room L u n c h ami d m and CJ lining room. T h e game room will include facilities table t< imcs. 'J tie t »' Also l < AM On all H 1 equipment, can ,. check . ,m.i ch< will be issued • -m the ma The I I1 rwo l on tin floor arc the administrative offii i conf< e room, ticket * ea o; the At ticket-selling facilities fo. all University evenl and a ch< . ch will I irge for this service. Is s .1 phon, rvi will be available foi local calls