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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i; > ' ' lr trpi oi rh ' hr ttu l Auditoriumj rhr ,.„i " m Utc Vpril and mtin „„ f, ugh tli CRl KK Wl KK J oi s <• aiur I t i « v h chapters at (,!>,,,, el aside i nvitiea aim it ttrengrhcning their U ndships and J u - hoi - organizatioi with the faculty, and w th houses, exchnn c dinnei and similar progran arc held. .. rilr ,ul s v I K I i ii i I M NEVER CUTS nr a it ii| double impact of this sl< an reminds fllin b tutj the campus by making footpaths rhr lawn, and 1 rutting classes' BI make you an fjr-IIIini. ' ho 5CS, residence halls, and women's independent hoi: s si KI N API S Aw and fall. Men' roups planning such serenad jtlined in the "rule-*' section, get prior permission. KI l INT " R A D R I O N S " s ' are :< new to he called traditions, but may achieve that title they survive the tests of rime include the "Ugly Man Contest;" the preThan ving "Turkey Chase;" a spring "Bicycle Derby;" and autumn pajama :h< tternity and men's independent housing district. LANDMARKS v losely in key with the University's traditions are its landmarks. The / j/n Pit . on the wall of the first floor lobby of Lincoln Hall, is 'o: e tablet bearing the words of the Gettysburg Address. The Hall of Fame honoring distinguished Illinois Editors, is located in jre.i Hall. You can sec the bronze marker in the first floor corridor. The Senior Bench, rift of the class of 1900, is located between Altgeld Hall .id the Illini Union. Some years ago, the bench actually was reserved for seniors; tod; this c I has vanished and the bench welcomes anyone who chooseto i t. The Krannert Must urn. gift of alumni, is a show-place setting for exhibits the fine arts. Others of interest to the general public as well as to ind faculty are permanent exhibits in the Natural History Museum. \\v ; J( tory Building, and Classical and European Culture Museuni, Lincoln H a l l ; and. rotating exhibits in the first floor corridors of the Library and nd fl >r of the Illini Union. AHerton House and the Hott Memorial Center. A few miles from the main jp, , Allerton House. 23 miles from Urbana near Monticello, and the Hot- \1 rial, \^ Monticello itself. These are used as an off-campus confere a r by the Division of University s;tension, and when not booked for these ; r j an be reserved through the Division for other educational meet\ l l e r n House parks and gardens, studded with Statuary, are open to the public It v. an endowed gift from Robert Allerton. V\cn\c grounds are The Hott Memorial Center, a magnificent mansion, is a recent gift Mr. and M ], [Hin Maxwell R. Hott. ILLINI "FIRSTS" n informed Illini. 'I here is much to be proud of at the Universitj of ^ ur Lniv "Famous Firsts" are one of many parts ol the I'm*- t^ 51 i h
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