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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Rtl . H l«lj R< I U\ I •• 1, look at you, ( HONOR* DAI Honor* I M I held rlj in M | the np M Day w nd n K hi< h I I n rhn rudent o! on V i r\ , , s | | \ M 01 >N I I MPOII VH ^ \IUS I K n mi illy lain d cultural rival d bj the >JI< Vppl \rts, but ull tudeni impus group n 1 ' m Ivcd in its p stations. rst 1 IM i 19 ir h been held bienniallj in< e I" m 11th will h Id in 1 « >fi I. 1 ms .t six-week pei I in the <-.i\\\ aprii In addit n l xhibitioru eni work in art, archil ture, city plannm md« pe ph. hy, printing, and crafts, sp< d event) held in m ind the tl KKOADH U K tys the I niversity, the wide walk through the Quadrangle w i the I d\\ • when I Is we replaced with cement, the popufa n r he Iwalk I Mil (I name is Burrill Avenue. Tin \i n . i i i> < HIMKS The chim in the tower i \l I Hall, which ring the quart ho n h throu lout campus. Chimi erf ire played on the carillon on Foun< I in the days just h re the Christmas holiday, and o ionall week ind at noon on Sundays. T h e chime were the gift the 1910 th : h I! HOMl ( OMING . . . I) \ n s D A Y . . . MOTHER'S DAY Three popular observances which have spread to campuses around the world h their pns at the I niversity of Illinois. Horn* oming w I iul brings alumni flocking back to the campus. At the H .mil !| ime in Memorial Stadium taps are played for those lumni who gave their lives for their country, T h e Stadium itseli was built v. h 1 funds to honor those lllini killed in World War I. On a mine In ( note, in pendent md Greek letter housi vie for prizes for the be* : a Stunt Show and a 1 niversity Theater production are offered held md "Miss Illinois" is crowned queen oi the campus, Dad Day v rkend began at the I niversity oi Illinois in 1920, With f hosen by lot as symbol of all the visiting lathe the activiti< football ime, a swim show, and beauty pa-eant, a Dad's ' ' j Revue ihov p a University Theater production, a Glee Club >< n and inment '•vents. An important part of the weekend is th« iiinual Saturday morning meetin Dad' As ation, first organization oi its kind when it was oi mi id in ] Ul • lfhers or male guardians oi undergraduate students ;U ( d h a n a ailtO i, J i! members; contributing members pa\ nominal annual dues. T h e \ tion provid( in holarship for students, aids in financin color n tudent lit*", annually sponsoi tatewide meetin for prospective neu ,/id parents, publishc the monthl) "Dad's Mini," and in 1961 held an ot orientation meetings foi students' parents, Mothi Di weekend began at the 1 niversity oi Nlinc in 1921, is held ^ .
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