Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
VIrhoi h I rudent* attend the Vn ty on irhl ;>s, nrh< find th w1 3 1 nrsit) unprtii 1 rln li 1 nf n n M f v iman U in phj ' '' ^ ' in] ind 1 ij 1 IVI nil b) incpniin ,n flu \rtil4 tM bj nten \ in:' the s| hi d h • IN in v>n R vi SPORTS The I nn rrsitj intramural spot tfl pi ip| ted I Vssi moil, off< petit iii*l i' 1 ' «"i foi b ' irn* and ind Hi in.1 r pi mis . 1 inti ainural mpetition; 1 I recreational sp ind faculty stafl 1t*. \n\ student ma) participate in impetitive pn ins throi b b hoi mural representative, 01 b\ individual n istration I the intramural Hufl Gym. Both team and individual winners 1 live trophies and medals. Information about intramurals can be obtained fi n bouse repi rni bur those interested also should watch I nivcrsit) bulletin h ids ud the / < Illini, Entries are a epted two weeks before impetit be COMPETITIVE INTRAMURAL SPORTS Competitive intramural sports are open to all interested undei Specific information on eligibility 1 available .it the [ntramural < / nt ( om petition li i adu m < Badminton Basketball Bowling * < rymnnstics Handball Horseshoe Ind.u.i II.KIV toll s<, ond w k fn ( tetob Second \ 1 ek In February N Third V k In March \ First Week In Apiil N Second w k In mh Third W k In I ebruarj First Vi I ek In Vpril SI ind V\ k In PHIUJIN Outdoor IVack Softball Swimming fable Tennis IVnnii Pouch Football Volleyball Water Polo Wrestling Second Week in M.n 1 irsl Week In Vpril I Q*l \\ k 1,, Oetobi Phird Week in February I nst Week in Septembei I nst w k in Septembei I nM Week In (Ictobei Set ond w k in \,.v embei I nst Week in Novembei RECREATIONAL SPORTS All iduate and undergraduate men maj participate in the recreational ram. Ipproximati Daft 1 nt Competition H Vrchcij First Week fn M.i\ Bfli 1' tball 1 MI Week fn No> emb< > 1 li 1 .1st \\ k In September I. V, Bai I'd'.ill s< • MHI \\ k fn l < hi mi 1 \ Plrdgi I I ' Hull Si Hid \N k I n I . In n.n \ Pledge Softball Ph dge I ouch 1 Dtball nl».1 I n \ In I FlrM Week In Vpril First W K In i fotolx 1 Si n»l \ \ I In Vpril k In Vpril 1 I 1 inn 14 Second V) k In April I ii-1 \ \