Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
n,KirRi VTI0NA1 SPOKTS m e n .md Women . / / and \ \ I bird w eek In Ipril I'iml \\ k In In -•. l 1 I itii \\ eek In April S >nd \\*( rk S mil \\ > k S >nd w ? k I t Week In In [n In < \; MI Vpril \ > tohei < S 1 VRC Run 1 fen l Noll, KM REATIONAL I It ii i r i K S litics r students arc available both at the 1 niversitj rid in lities Since so mam people want to use University fadlit r|u. . i m n ike advance arrangements for their use. Most be e through the Intramural Office, 205 Huff Gym, Exten m 181, through the Central ( MRce on the Use of Space, 125-c Ellini Union, Mi 5t recreational facilities arc open for non-class purposes in the late noons, I and weekend-. Specific times can be learned at the Intramural ire posted in the various gyms. Hufl no / o( atii urth St. \ (rregory Ave. Activities •Basketball, •Volleyball, •Badminton, Handball, •Squash, Swimming, •Weightlifting, Waterpolo, •Exercise •Basketball, •Volleyball, *( rymnastics, Swimming, •Weightlifting, Running, Wrestling, Fencing Women's Swimming Women's Swimming, Badminton, •Basketball, •Volleyball, •Archery, Modern Dance, •Table Tennis, Inside Golf M i's (>!d Gvm Springfield & Wright St. h B Iding V nen's Gvm Wright St. •odwin & Gregory Aves. Range ura (W Great Hall) Ice Rink Florida Ave. Basketball Skating 9 Holes •18 Holes Armory Ave. urse 1. idiura 2. 5av( Outdoor Basketball I ennis Courts Gregory Drive Stadium First & Gregory Men's old Gym Women's Oym [ndicati Playing I ield Library I quipment Available Huff Gym Stadium I irst k (rregory Illinois Field • W o m e n ' s Gym hei Rang* •r Field Baseball I lorida near Lincoln Florida near First Wright & University 35 M