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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
s in all kinds oi tivitics on this m| s, and you will find jn N i you i be happy. N n u H U M l NHMS T! [llini I in is the cent main campui activii II- dqu HI I th 5 R( m Illini I 'nion. You m. inqui th< rs and in fill our petitions for committee posts. An M h Illini Union committees plan and rdinat< : The International Fair, ti >ds, ware and entertainment fi Pep Rallies, held Friday evenings b home -I -Like 1 Thu lay night pro-ran . Pad Day i u • m J it n II honor the lathers of student at the I ni\. >ity; 1>! k I • n heer; is at home fo II tmes; International Relat u'med p T lyat; vities participation b\ foreign students; Illini L n n Movi< v cd • n at nominal rates Fridays and . urdays; \ 1. shov it I nion dance parties; Homecoming a weekend en r retu lin imni; Spring Musical, the all-student mi: il p n Moth Day weekend; Dances, weekly record h 5, plus I : sity danc such as those at Homecoming and at Registration periods; Hou planned to help you get acquainted with your fellow sti rnts; Mother's Day, a weekend honoring the mothi - of University students; Stunt Show, tr. itional v. tfy show presented at Homecoming; Social Kdu tion, a ntinuing se of panel discu ons held at campus houses to help students evelop eptable social graces; Music Hours, programs of selected classical Fine Ar art exhibit- in the I nion's ground floor galleries; Publicity, pro ling information about I nion programs and projects. THE PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC T h e University Bands provide opportunities for instrumentalists on several levels, from the Concert Hand of the most highly trained and talented instrumental musi- ms to the Third Regimental Band for those with much less training. Membership in these Bands can he sought by all students. However, only men c ipply for the Football Marching Band. Inquire about tryouts at the Band Building. T h e I niv< sity Symphony Orchestra, an organization of the top student instrumentali . hold- tryouts at the start of each semester of the regular school year. Inquire at the School of Music Office for the times when they will be held. Students also may try out for membership in the University's famous choral lips. Thi ; Illini*' \'arsit> Men's Glee Club, the Women's Glee Club, the I n ; Chori the University Choir, and the Oratorio Society all hold tryouts twi i year, usually immediately after registration. Notices will be rried in Thi Daily Illini, or you can obtain information by calling the School Music The I University of Illinois Opera ( .'roup, composed primarily of voice ir ors in the School of Music, produces scenes from opera and the lyric theater, and 0 rionally put On a complete opera. Sometimes it also ]o'\\\<, with the I 111ersity Theater to present a production, n i l I \ i \ ERSIl ^ THEATER Students interested in dramatics—as performers, as production workers, or both—an ta) part \\\ activities < i the I niversitj rheater. In addition to > 31
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