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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
in nd | I n rx| in tatt in ubli .. f • w I lt> In t. and pi.is hill preparation, I he ( m • I |, m nMM ,l1 ww »t live pU) ''" ' ' ' ' ' mtmn -n. / \ fk II xhop i trninin thf n IT product It ii I ill tudeni w ith » < I rn p ihmcn id nphomoi I I Workshop p kluctions arc din ml graduate student din working imd imm ler to tak .it in the i nivcrsit) rheatci 01 it W I hop, u mi in ral 11 yout red it the I nniii oi i h sem ter, / r Workshop ns a part oi the I \\w u'ty Theater, pn ti m plays \\ i itten by student authoi ORCHESIS 0 he dance >up is open to hoth men and women students interested in • lern dan* M\<\ choi iphy, It presents original dance recitals, sponsors v fame dance groups md frequentl) takes pan with other dramatic > r mu 1 cam roups in all-Universit) pre ntation STAR COURSE Star Course ves undergraduates an opportunity to work with mana il aspe put tin MI concerts and other cultural events, Sponsored by the I n N tv Con< and Entertainment Board, the Stai Course brinj notabh >uj and ai sts to the campus for its annual subscription series of concerts by d hed p- formers, Star Course "exit.is." outside the subscription a b in off-beat and lesser known artists, as well as those performing \\\ popular : than classical fields. A listii oi the Stai Course series att tctions for 1961 in be found on Page 59; Stni Course "extras" are announced at fairlj sh t notice before each such event Students interested \n taking part in St ( urse man. •ment activities can apply, early in the school year, at the Star v otliee. 3 !8 lllini I num. AM IMVIKSITV STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The D v I Hint, student newspaper, is issued five days a week. Experient is . feral \\\ all fields oi newspaper work reporting, editing, advertising, M\<\ rculation. Interested students—particularly freshmen may attend a meetin .: the beginning oi the semester, designed to acquaint them w ith the o an <n\ oi various department. The Daily lllini office is in the basement oi lllini Hall, tnd you can inquire there about opportunities to join the staff. The Illio, University yearbook gives a pictorial record oi campus activitic luring the \e.i The editorial staff plans Looms, handles pictures, and writes i: md edits copy, The business stafl manages finances, sales, and advertising h : hmen and moie advanced students maj ippl\ for the lllio staff at the orKci in the lllini I [all lobby, RADIO AND TELEVISION Opportunitii oi students to work in radio and television ovei the Univei Htion VVI1 I (AM and FM) and W'M I r \ . Channel I !, are limited % princi] lly to tli < who are takin course work in these fields, WPGU i student radio station which provides experience in all phase ,; i IUI radio broadcastin managini engineering, and programming. Its pi nmin include new covern . musical shows oi everj type, and »| ich basketball broadcasts and the Student Senate weekly show. 32
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