Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I \ ! \ I RSI r Y C I INK S ! w I i d>b ii in D"; i with ] ,. ,1 in tht i i Help is k help .1 as s—entirely or other r I w i w l' > i li ! : tuden lie in s own, or he n be spell id I i how* help • H Idi . 1 i th i. Ii intended • I puncf i ' .1 nfs in /! in ire a<h din i in I ! I • John th I. lii I intcrc ted n t! ir A n the I nil TVH Health d ro one them by HOUSING I'niv* lllin< , a student in. mi number c t housing. All unmai urn itudents—b h men and women—must ve ! :: ' in wl h facilitn have been appro\ by the I ni TI c i tho unusual ca where S] rial perm I liv< t n I the student by the Dean of M >r I an of W »mcn. pi the I )n. before i ition. Oi iu h.v ;ne.l a mester' housing on tract, iu .'i exp< up it. \ n : nor change housing during the ter without pern", n i the 1 an < Woi n and the Housing Division. Local tudents wh ami lies live in or neai Urbana-Chanij n copermi ! to live at home with their parent However, out town idents who s h to live with relativ< or \ »rk r room and b i^\ in other « in I rbana-Champaign must get permi m I m the Dean of Men or Dean of Women. tudent housing includes University residence halls, fraternities and itlC COO rative hou and approved p r i v a t e l y o w n e d halls and hoi Informal n about all types of housing may be ol lined from the Hoi Pivi >n, 1 OS' Mini Hall. Sorority and fraternity rushing may be discussed ' >fli of th m of W o m e n or D e a n < \IrM. OFFICE O F ADMISSIONS W l ) 1] RECORDS ' functions of the Offi< oi Vdmission and Records include several which are oi imp tan to \on during your undei aduate yeai i n 21 —I f sn d( rmines whether or nol you are eligible tor admission tO th(