Caption: Booklet - Admissions Requirements (1969) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Colleges and Curricula a t Minimum High School Rank (Freshmen only) Transfer Average Special Requirements Subject P a t t e r n Required COLIEGT^ FINE AND APPLIED ARTS S C E b S S and e n g i n e e r i n g Residents: U p p e r V2 Nonresidents: U p p e r VA 3.25 3.25 for transfers f r o m other departments in the University Pattern V options)- Urban Planning Nonresidents: U p p e r VA Pattern III Landscape Architecture Dance Teaching of Dance ; ' 3.5 a f t e r 6 0 semester hours 3.25 for transfers f r o m other d e p a r t ments in the University a n d f o r continuat i o n in a r t courses a t the 1 junior level ' Transfers must present portfolios of previous art work 3.5 a f t e r 6 0 semester hours Pattern II Art Curricula' Crafts Graphic Design History of A r t Industrial Design Medical A r t ( f i v e - y e a r p r o g r a m ) ' Painting Sculpture Pattern Art Education 3 , 4 Theatre Curricula Theatre: Acting Theatre: Directing a n d P l a y w r i t i n g Bases Theatre: Technology a n d Design Mi! ic, with majors in: story of Music Instrumental Music usic Composition oice / Music q u a l i f y i n g audition ic Education ( v o c a l - c h o r a l or instrumental emphasis) 3 Music q u a l i f y i n g audition 3.5 a f t e r 6 0 semester hours See U n d e r g r a d u a t e Study c a t a l o g Early Admission P r o g r a m in Music" 1 New four-year program for freshman students beginning in September, 1969, and thereafter. - Five-year program f<»i students who began an architectural program before September, 1969. Continuation in this curriculum beyond tin- sophomore year requires admission 10 advanced standing in teacher education. •Effective for the fall term, IS69, all applicants for admission to curricula in art. except Histon < l Art, must present > qualifying portfolio of ai t work. The first tin.-,- years are taken at Urbana-Champaign; the last two years are taken at the Medical Center. Chicago, Cumulative averag< for this purpose are computed by using grades for: (1) all University ol Illinois courses; or (2) tin- combination < i Unh > ol Illinois and transfer morses. The lowest average in (1) or (2) governs. 1 Applicants hould rank in uppei quartet and show evidence « i academic maturity ami musical talent. »