Caption: Booklet - Admissions Requirements (1969) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
tld be rcdui I somewhat I arrangin 01 triple inst< d fadoubl< m, or by living in c perativi housing Phi /// < li •(rIU cou ld 1 luccd I ireful attention to personal spcndin In addition t > the annual cxpcn» listed on the preceding \> < plicants for admission < idmission in September, 19 nd if. i nonrefundable appli< m mUst submit with their applications of $15.00. fuition and • are [)ayablc in lull when th< tudent i unl< the installment plan is el Vn; wishing information about naItial pi study, under which they would carrj le tl th usual class load, should write to the Dirc< toi of Admissions and R K st ration in less than a full pi ram of studi< requii ippr< lb) dean of tin student >llei Students will find it hard to earn all tl. r expens during the > 1 veai aid should have i >h reserv< or other aid of at !• n if they plan to work their way through the 1 niversity. SPECIAL FEES , i a l cos j I lit-Training Ft . Students takin flight trainin pay a id supply f( of $475.00 for ( ch flight-trainin COUJ in addil n Iar tuition and 1 is. This fee is not covered b) hoi; ailment I Students <] ting the installment plan for ; • and le must pay a rvice charge oi $2.00. An additioi I of $2J is ssed if the flight-training fee is paid on the installit plan. I hei no service char] for the payment ol I niversit >using a ounts on the installment basis. Arrangements for installment lent are made at the time the student registers, ; A complete li of special fees is given in the Und( raduate Stud) atali . Students gather in Illinois Street Residence Hall dining room.