Caption: Booklet - Bicycle Regulations (1961) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ino to the i parking Section 3 — Oj »cycl< operation, nn d II NO pel II n d l l ., b hlull ; ation of Bicvcles hin ell to an) othei n ving vchid pra< tii i any a< rohatit i lir r,r opera the I,i< ' in .1 1 areleis or r klc*g num < liei . \ ]-N> j person operating .1 bicycle on anj s drive, parking lot, service area, or designated bicycle lane or path shall do so with duo regard for pedestrians and compliance with the Motor Vehicle Laws of the Siatc oi Illinois, the Traffic Ordinances of the Cities oi Champaign and I'rbana. and such specific safety regulations as may be adopted. B. Bicycles may be operated on or along any street., drive, parking lot, or roadway, except that where specifically designated bicycle routes are within or parallel to such street, drive, parking lot, or roadway such bicycles shall be operated only on the designated bicycle routes. C. Bicycles may not be operated on a sidewalk (unless a bicycle lane is specifically designated on that sidewalk), lawn, approved path for pedestrians, a building entrance, arcade, patio, or within any building or other route primarily intended for pedestrian use. D. Every person operating a bicycle shall yield to pedestrians who are on designated pedestrian crossings or sidewalks and when necessary shall dismount and push the bicycle across the said crossing or sidewalk. H. Persons operating bicycles shall ride only in single file except when passing. ]•'. No person shall ride a bicycle faster than is reasonable and proper with due 1 (aid for the Safety Of the rider, pedestrians, and vehicular traffic. I. \ \ h enc> ei a bi< !«• shall t>e o\ the campus during the j o<\ sun el and sunris< i< h bi display a white light on the front ated on l>etween le shall thereof visible for a distan if not ! s than 500 feet and on the rear then [ shall display a red light or reflector visible at a distance of not 1' 3 than 300 feet. J. Every bicycle when o; rated on the campus shall be equipped with a warn ing device capable of giving a signal clearly audible for a distance of not less than 100 feet provided, however, that no bicycle shall be equipped with nor shall any person use on a bicycle any siren or whistle. K. Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake adequate to control the movement of and to stop such bicycle quickly and safely. ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ H Section 4 — P a r k i n g of B i c y c l e s A. Bicycles bearing University permits shall be parked on campus only in bicycle parking areas designated by the presence of racks for bicycles or signs indicating that bicycle parking is permitted. Mote vehicles comparable in size to bicyck also are permitted to park in areas desig nated for bicycles. >. 0 bicycle shall be used to carry person at one time than the number for No bicycle, whether registered or not may be parked, stored, or left unattended on any sidewalk, lawn, shrub or flower bed. street, drive, or automotive parking area, in am building or entran thereto or at any other location othei than areas specifically designated and wh'u h it 1 designed and equipped, reserved for bicycle parking,