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Caption: UI Foundation Series - Bulletin 2 (1936) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
r University Foundation Plans and New Duties T H E Foundation is working quietly to perfect its organization and broaden its influences. This bulletin is the second of a series to be issued from time to time with the idea of giving information regarding the University and its affairs to as large a body of graduates and former students as possible. The Executive Director is glad to report that he has made a few cajls on individual alumni and has received several thousand dollars' worth of pledges which will be reported in due time. Other alumni, while not committing themselves at this time, have assured the Director of their interest in the building up of the Foundation and their hope that when the campaign is started a little later in the year they will be able to subscribe. W e are pleased to Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building EAST E L E V A T I O N O F T H E N E W M E D I C A L AND D E N T A L C O L L E G E LABORATORles Building, fronting on Wood Street, Chicago. Of Gothic Architecture, the same as other buildings in the group. The building will complete the Polk Street front and give ample room to house the College of Dentistry and give added room for Medical Research. Ground was broken early in January, and at the date of the issue of this bulletin eleven hundred piles have been sunk, the general excavating is completed and they are pouring the concrete for some of the footings as the weather permits. H E preliminary details for the new Medical and Dental Unit on our Chicago campus are being rushed to completion. The general contract has been awarded to the J. W . Snyder Company of Chicago for $952,610. Other contracts for elevator and entrance enclosures, for electric wiring, plumbing, heating and ventilating, amounting to $370,500, have also been awarded. The total cost of the building will be in the neighborhood of $1,500,000. T h e Federal Government has made an outright grant of $366,000 and has offered to loan the University $1,091,000 to finance this building, the loan to be spread over a period of twenty years. This does not include laboratory equipment to be provided for later. This beautiful building will completely T house the University of Illinois College of Dentistry and also will give added quarters for the Medical Department. Foundation Appointed Trustee of Project. T h e F o u n d a t i o n is glad to report that it has been officially appointed as co-trustee on this Public Works Administration Project by the University of Illinois with the approval of the Government. Some bank will be appointed as trustee to represent the bondholders. This trusteeship is interesting as an opportunity for the Foundation to exercise one of its functions outside of mere fund-raising or the acquirement of other types of gifts and bequests. By acting in this way as the agent of the University, it simplifies the process of trusteeship and rna^es possible a much closer cooperation than might otherwise be obtained. report that, in addition to the pledges above mentioned, a subscription of $50 a year for five years and one of $50 a year for two years have been received. Also two checks for $5 each have been received without solicitation, that is, in advance of any definite request for gifts to the Foundation. These gifts, we hope, are the visible evidence of a reaction which permeates the whole alumni body, expressing a desire to contribute to the upbuilding of the University. W e are particularly appreciative of those subscriptions for more than one year and we hope by this method a policy will be developed of contributing annually to your alma mater as automatically as you do to your church or your favorite charity. Senior class memorial. T h e undergraduate body has shown interest in the Student Union project. The graduating class of 1936 is thoroughly alive to its opportunity to be the first class to contribute as a unit to the building of this new Student Union. At a recent meeting with a group of class officers, there were present Miss Mildred Fisher, President of the Woman's League; Miss Arlene Reeves, President of the Women's Group System; Miss Esther Deutsch, Woman's Editor of the Daily Illini; Robert D. Armstrong, President of the Student Alumni Association; Joe J. Brandlin, Secretary of the Student Alumni Association; Richard Fulmer, President of the Illinois U n i o n ; Elbert Herron, Editor of the Daily Illini; and Ben F. Railsback, Editor of the Illio. They all expressed their desire to cooperate and promised a vigorous campaign by which to create for this project a substantial class memorial which will set a worthy pattern and will be a stimulus to underclass men and women. Furthermore, there is no doubt that when the time comes the organized groups such as the Illinois Union, Women's League and fraternity and sorority groups will rise to the occasion and help in building this new home for themselves. Through the aid of the present Union Building, they have all sensed the convenience of having a real student center and are tremendously interested in the new project. T o give a concrete idea of what a good union can mean to the student body, we wish to give some facts in regard to the first Union building, Houston Hall at the University of Pennsylvania. This sterling institution has just observed its 40th anniversary. An average of 6500 students pass through its doors daily while the university is in session. Eight undergraduate organizations have their permanent headquarters in t h e b u i l d i n g and nearly fifty others hold their meetings there. During the last scholastic year more, than sixteen hundred lectures, group meetings, dances, dramatic productions, luncheons and other events were held within its doors and contributed to the inlellectual and social life of the student body. Reading rooms, lounging rooms and game rooms are in constant demand. Although erected in 1896, the building has undergone extensive renovations from time to time to increase its serviceability as a social center. T h e building contains a student store, cafeterias and other dining facilities and an auditorium seating about four hundred people. Page two
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