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Caption: Booklet - Handbook of Student Housing (1950) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
W H A T ABOUT SORORITIES A N D FRATERNITIES AT ILLINOIS? Sororities There are 24 national sorority chapters at Illinois. About 1000 undergraduate women belong to these chapters. Each of these organizations has a chapter house. An average of about 40 students live in each house. You must be invited to belong to a sorority. You can find out more about these sororities, and how to become invited, by writing to the Assistant Dean of Women, Panhellenic Adviser, 100 Bevier Hall] Urbana. The idea behind sororities is to encourage superior scholarship, idealistic living, and loyalty to the University. As a sorority pledge or member, you are encouraged to go out for activities; in return, you have an excellent chance to develop your sense of responsibility, your leadership, and your personality. Fraternities There are 58 national fraternity chapters at Illinois. About 2500 undergraduate men belong to these chapters. On the average, about 45 men live in each chapter house. As with sororities, you have to be invited by the active Fraternity Lounge chapter members to belong to a fraternity. If you are interested in finding out more about fraternities, write to the Dean of Men, 152 Administration Building, Urbana. Rushing "Rushing" means the entertainment offered by fraternities and sororities to students interested in possible invitation to membership. Every fall, the fraternities sponsor what they call a "Rush Week." It lasts for five days, and comes just before school begins. Sororities also have a Rush Week, but it comes late in the spring. If you are planning to go through Rush Week, please do not file an application, or make definite arrangements for permanent quarters of any type until you know whether you're going to pledge a sorority or fraternity or not. You can expect enough housing to be left after Rush Week ends, in case you don't pledge. Here's how rushing works: After you write to the Dean of Men or the Assistant Dean of Women saying that you are interested in taking part in rushing, the Deans' offices pass on this information to all of the fraternities or sororities. The fraternities Sorority Lounge 14 15
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