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Caption: UI Foundation Series - Need for Student Union (1937) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
gnE,>^£S^^S -^^V^Vv^ \0V TENTATIVE ELEVATION OF Jj E W I L L I N I \ T 7 E L L , here it is! A real Illini U n i o n ! A U n i o n designed especially to meet conditions * • as they are at Illinois and to serve the University in the best possible way* The building pictured here, in the Georgian style of architecture adopted for new University buildings, is one of several for which designs have been developed* While other ideas may suggest themselves, of one thing we can be sure: the U n i o n is to be a structure of which all will be proud* The final result will be the product of several years of careful study and investigation, which has included visits to and studies of practically every U n i o n building in the country* UNION Obviously, the interiors of U n i o n buildings are more or less definitely standardized, certain basic ideas being found in all of them. These ideas are of course included in the design of the Illini Union* A study of the plans presented here will reveal the accommodations to be generous and suitable to Illini, and as spacious and as inclusive as any in the country* Remembering that changes may grow out of further planning, let us glance at the plans to see how our Illini U n i o n is arranged; the illustration on this page, with the floor plans following, will give you a good idea of the progress already made*
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