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Caption: Book - Building Program 1934-1942 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
COMPARATIVE DATA ON ABBOTT POWER PERFORMANCE Generation and Consumption of Power and Steam in Relation to Coal Burned URBANA D E P A R T M E N T S 1932-33 1941-42 PLANT Percentage of Increase or Decrease Building Cubage Heated Electric Power Generated—(K.W.E) Purchased—(K.W.H.) Sold— ( K . W . E ) . Consumed—(K.W.H.) Coal Burned (Tons) Steam to Heat (1000 lbs.) .... 55,981,863 5,689,800 1,446,900 None 7,136,700 37,932.77 337,142 63,277,352 12,193,400 None 324,500 11,868,900 34,191.30 311,324.2 + 13.0 +114.3 ... + 66.3 9.9 7.7 The turbines In the Power Plant are of (1) extraction-condensing, and (2) straight non-condensing type. The boilers are single cross drum, water-tube type with completely water-cooled walls. Each boiler is provided with a cyclone dust collector, economizer, and air heater.
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