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Caption: Magazine - Scribbler (1909 Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
THE SCR/MUM the coaching system <>r we never would h s v i ;. goo in team. . The pendulum has returned ; not only do vv cr< uh.t. monster petitions demanding the return ol th« same coaches w e so hastily deserted before, but we present them with magnificent watches as an appreciation f our regard and a testimonial of their efficient services. I-.vidently the voice of the undergraduate means little; let us listen to an authority. I am a firm believer in the graduate i ching m, ai I think it is unquestionably the best system foi [Hin< i ir cc this year has, by demonstrating the fact thai »ur nt c ch< can compete on equal terms with the highly paid professional b< of other universities, removed the only plausibl am nt of the opposition—that graduate coaching is nol practibl iv not alone. For instance, the football teams of Yal universil per haps the most uniformly successful in the c in' . h: al been coached by old Yale men. My idea i in the fil ; that no one should ever hear of the coach. It sh aid be the 1 and the team only, first, last, and always. Let us \vh. h. : when it is otherwise. Take, for illustration. th< big I hi igan games four or five years ago. Was it Mich I Giicago or was it one head coach againsl an Thi with professional coaches degenerates into a tn< rna ment in which one coach starts out with eleven m | checkered into five-yard squares to defeal another « |, elcvm other men. If this is the letter of amateui athli ti< tainly not the spirit,"and emphatically, it is nol whal w i I||j nois. There are always certain inherenl disadvanta s with the professional coach besides this. Bui w tVu mal e coaching their life-work and so thi professional <-,..,, ha ome other business that he is interested in or he i :x looking around for something bettei This i Hin ,, , j u . ( ootball team is not al all likely to receivi his undivided iti Again, he is nol I are whether or not he will 1 , v t „u."| ,
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