Caption: Magazine - The Siren (1911 Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
X m a s Pennants and Pillows W e carry the finest line of Xmas Pennants and Pillows to be had in the Twin Citie Our prices are lowest, and we will make to order in Felt or Leather anything that i desired. Special orders in this line are catered to. Call and look at our goods at the Student Store before you buy your Xmas Pillows and Pennants. T h e Student's Store for Sweaters We various weights, quality and color. ever carried in the Gym Store. It is by far the most complete line of sweaters j . j . * * * * > * < * < * THE GYM STORE LOCATED B E L L P H O N E 1179 IN THE MEN'S GYMNASIUM A U T O P H O N E 1471 GO TO GUS JOHNSON FLORIST For Flowers for the Prom 306 S P R I N G F I E L D A V E N U E CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS PITSENBARGER & FLYNN are now in their new building at 612 EAST GREEN STREET and arc prepared to do all kinds o( CLEANING AND B E L L P H O N K 1967 PRESSING