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Caption: Magazine - The Siren (1911 Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
4% Siren Staff Aspirants p < )MPETITI< A for pla Th( iren Staff ^ is now open, Men of the foui i la eligible. Election is by the Staff on th ,f Wor^ submitted for publication. < >ntribution ],i consist of cartoons, special featun rt jokes. Mail all material t > The Siren < St.. or drop in Siren box at tin ntran Hall. ja jn B. V. D. For further information, Nevada St. man Editor at 918 H in the crowd. too? E—1 seemed to have been the coolest She—(ecstatically) Oh, do yon wear them. 4i BEARDSLEY * HOTEL Headquarters for Home Coming BEARDSLEY Champaign, Illinois . HOTEL
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