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Caption: Sophograph - 1892 (Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

v »T l IP l.'.M.K S'l'l I AN E X P E R I E N C E . KY At i . AUAII ! M : N \ TT I was off for the vacation I had so Ion tnif I D lit was none too soon that I was growing preinal I 1 undermining my h dth by too constant applii tion to tedio col mum nd figur . ButIwas ambitious to ri >vemypn f bo c-ki pei for one of the most « itensive hardware firm of X Yn\ in such a city ambition without appli ttion counts for nothing. I w \ trs of tge and had grn< 1 the same desk cor one-fifth of that time withoi - much as a \\ : of continuous recreation. The entreaties of a fond mother and two devoted sisters at I >revail< nd I1 soon found myself making for tin'old world as fast as the "John Hop kins' i uld make her way over a wonderfully rough and uncomforti rfectly frank, there had been a little o irence a few w^eks which had by no means retardedmy rather unexpected departui [ had been dis ^pointed in love, Louise Marley, daughter of my emplo; r whom I had imagined to be the very personification of all thipgs good and 1) ul a I true had scornfully rejected my proffered escort through this < { life and 1 WHS left in the rather embarrassing situation of tr\ ing t« m pne I [n't care I mentally exhausted my stock of complimentary ad; n thI irate fair one. and was not sorry to be sent abroad on purely In uie prin pies. A fortnight later found me comfortably esconced in a charm in 1: illage at the foot of the Alps. Here- thought 1 looking m I wi low of the little inn, a few bom after my arrival, is a very pi li { a broken 'n irt. That night with the aid of an expert guide! planned • w k of in mtain climbing and riding, and rambling. With tli 1 j t before me I fell asleep somewhat di nfitted at the disco tl r lid not mi Table as was bee mi te stri I'm nder inti ent. B ut alas for my hop of peace and forgetfuln .them .t vith il nv ime visitor, a >ever< twinge oi rheumatism h ri til > ri found myself powerle rubbim ,>. I i\ preciou hours with nothii to do but to think of Louise, or hi nin but I fell that anothei I j mi ition. morn I grew woi up in despn \ 1 hope! l<)v nethin I pi I under d no other hut H ma n t -ii'dil tnd a .« || which I proudly in I ; , (hat • ^ ii b i i n w 1 it d all, 11 h e uld f in a n oli \ f 111 < il It pH d tO I i I' ! i • N Io n \ I 'I • ! i | | I I :I i«| 1 1 •»••» M
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