Caption: Booklet - Information on UI Chicago Professional Schools (1937) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
the \N 01 k ma) i iuii e. \aminat II natui c and t cul >pc | all ai c detei m i n e d b i tnpi h IIM \ > Kxaminat ion • end of the S< ond and l urth ai i i« quit ed ' tli ( in 1 he II. .. Med ne. 1 . E nmination Books K fulai examinations at the end f e , final examinat in ( ui itinuing le than a full seme ter, s ial examinations, • aminat >ns j e\ us to mid-seme ter reports and entrance ( iinations i ust he written in examination bo< furnished by the University. 16. Significance of Grades The system of grading is as follow A, excellent; B, good; C, fair; D, poor, but passiti ; E, f In the College of Medicine the percentage • > m of grading is used, and 70% is the passing grade Where it is neces ary to translate percentage to literal grades tlie following values are used: A, I t < 100%; B, 85 to 9 1 % ; C, 75 to 84%; D, 70 to 74%. 17. Transcript of Records Each student who has paid all his University i entitled to receive on request, without charge, transcript of his record, but for transcripts alter first, a charge is made as follows: Original or copies, $1.00 each; carbon copies, 50c each. h one the first 18. Examination of Absentees Absences from examinations count as failures. Ex ceptions to this rule may be made and a subsequent e x a m i n a t i o n a l l o w e d by t h e D e a n c o n c e r n e d in case w h e r e t h e a b s e n c e is o c c a s i o n e d by s i c k n e s s ov o t h e r c o n d i t i o n s w h i c h t h e s t u d e n t is u n a b l e to c o n t r o l . 19. Special Examinations examinations may not be taken for the Special purpose of raising grades in com es in wh h a indent already ha redit. Special examinations will he allowed h\ arrangement with the II id of the department and the Dean when the examinations of the State Hoard where th* student wi I M to practice conflict with the date ol the final c aminat iom of t he Univei sit \. I "i all i pecial i animation a pei mil must be ob *