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Caption: Booklet - UI Growth and Enhancements (1895) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Vlra a The In ,nr [ t I ISU,lN | f »« <"" usly held at present by different oun' B ol i Such diversity m ounted for. ,n shmv ' ' i in v a r i a t i o n t h r o u g h historical d e v e l o p m e n t . Th lu :l l,4;lIs ]Vint * ' '"'full 'mlu. J'rol w r Tompkins. Ro > I vanou Moth i in i mn determined by the nature of lift Alme Tin Dniversal Form ol Method in Education: in n- ab tive aspect. in its< tiv< tspect. n I i a i i c n o t 1 lc,ethi< < a n d e s t h e t i c s t o m e t h o d in e d u c a t i o n <ih unit; m d " h " . Spring term, full study. Professor Tompkin I; n'l da rh I n< J n vements of the mind in the acquisition of truth, beauty. Lnd vim: s] rtfied. 1 ill term, full study. Professor Tompkins. Required, Pedaj 8 il movement of the mind in learning". a. How to think and appreciate the truth in individual objects. b. How i think and appreciate the truth in general objects. c. Th- analysis and preparation of lessons on a variety of subject matappli< ation of the universal methods of thought above described. Winter fuU $tudy. Prof 3or Tompkins. Required, Pedagogy 4. I'ii' Pfi ihological and the Logical factors in educational method. a. Construction of a mrse of study for the public schools as deter: y the • -'>ing factors. Th h >rl tl development of courses of study. Spring term, full I'p or Tompkins. I: paired, Pedagogy 5. > -In i. I he instrument of education: ! in d with and differentiated from the other social institutions. b. Th< nt law of the school ascertained. anization as determined by the law. .1 nianai merit and supervision under the law. Fall term, full d. ] ol ipkin ii U >l j : : iiffci \ -j ;i uuntr as at present organized. UJHI ii fh-v opment of school systems. ,,i and present state of eduoation in Illinois. Win r r rorapkins. Requii I Pedagogy 7. ,ph >\ eduoation: p . , run i"-, and pouer, i in i of philosophic i hought to edu< nal i al . • 11 tringi of the other loading department! of thought s I ,i, df Tompkins. Required^ Pedagogj utlve unfolding of the subject and. In the ra a 1 ,,,,, uod In the ordor above stated. The m lo , luting to Instruction maj oaoh, howevor, be taken M , l h ( . ,,,1,1., ui u iiMjulroii i.11 t.. Other roadJUHtmonta raaj bo made to i tin md. MI Hut In general each toi i pp< |,out...,,, ii.« itutlont ihoultl i l ( h , , | |U | ,,,,,,,!. ac.pu.c II tfood Ml il k U O V I
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