Caption: Booklet - UI Growth and Enhancements (1895) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

to 1 he liiis or | • The < oil. e ol \ i till ui i hoi upon a bi ad and compi lioi plan, which hen unplet in, i i lie needs of t his H I HI a-'» ultui i bat< The coui'8e oi tudy extends over fouir the win o all other courses, instruction in ugrlculsure and In ultui telj In the freshman yeai and Is distributed throu it th< \ i that j Ul \ \< v i N l FARM, By Senate Bill No. 199 the legislature provid I foi i hin 1 farm and laboratory at the University for the purp< upplyii pi virus to the physicians of the state at cost, Preparation no^ to that end. The professorof veterinarj science will hai mi the work and the whole will be under the era! uper f our en I bacteriologist, Professoi Thomas J. Burrill, who will c rtifj < il the product, [t is hoped that active operations may be \m in - pt< ber. Fut ure announcements will be ma do to the physicians he - STATE s c i i o i I;SIIII\S. The recent Legislature passed a very important act, setting u] tematic plan for bringing the advantages of the University to th< ttenti all tluv>ols of the state and creating University State Scholarships, fi 1 fees, in all the Senate and Assembly districts of the state. It is i 1 make this plan effective for- the coming year, but all arrangemt ts 1 1 forward to make it completely so In the year ensuing. Prior to tin VI 1st I holiday- tin* State Superintendent of Public Instruction will ixi\ notii the High Schools of a competitive examination to be held at the county J? ;h county by the County Superintendent on the first Saturday •m at which the State Scholarship belonging to the county will be award i t o t n >st proficient scholars appearing at the examination. Aside from the n \\ of fees the receipt of these scholarships will be a distinctive honor worthy 1 the highest effort In each county and will help bring the University into cU and living relations with the public school system in fact as well as in law. I LAMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR MEDICAL COLLEG1 At tin request of the state Board of Health the undertake the examination of such candidates for i es of the state as do not present the evidences tdinlfi on. Tin flrst examination will doubtless be The pi University authorities w admission to the nu of proficiency i pi it held in Septeml in < Will jise t i m e a n d p l a c e a n d t h e s c o p e oi' t h e e x a m i n a t i o n i n IN lunced in special circuit) r. COURSE OF LECTURES UY SPECIALISTS, The Hoard of Trustees has provided foi a course of h turos, ( « I \ p i by eminent specialists with u view to stimulating the ditferu lin' of work In which the Unlversitj Is oi ed and arou m In irk not t undertaken, Thl will enable the faculty to brlii tothoUtiiv* m:i II.> of the m i dii Llngul hod specialist of the i untrj dm m t lie next y« nil urn I prov< I tadvant M lo the student udalltlu utei volvJ I MAT* tlUCAL PRIZES, t i One hundred dollui linn been pi ivicied foi \HH i\ pi to tin >u i j iin > 11• i pi "i i in n oratorl( »ml Utei ur\ tut est n i i* not yet I n determined, but will In mnouuood In du