Caption: Booklet - UI Growth and Enhancements (1895) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

rsii> Instruction will b( i mbi ,|s, building. • fhat part ol t h r n.eehanical I la e single department and i rrledon In lain , , a t o , \ ,,OW loeatcj intl.ehn merit o f t l , . hnu 'I Laboratoi will also be transferi miealei meerin<r a n d i either to Machlner, Hall or to the ot the testing laboratory of applied Bv <hop. The rooms thus va< ted in Machinery Hall will allow the extension of the l i i r l i n e n t ol im I .|l:mi( rhis extension will be Immediately effected. Tin >han —and extensions of the mechanical equipmeni willbecomf| f u I, n '> believed, by the opening of the University In September and will give THE ASTTH GNOMICAL OBSEItt v r o u v . The work In astronomj has b n long hampered from lark of proper equip « neiit. The U Mature, however, has made an appropriation of $15,000.00 for a iil v . hiH ^ astronomical ol rvatory with the latest improvements. It Is hoped tha I" ,,. .bservatory will be ready for use during the fall term, it will contain an finch equatorial telescope with driving clock and with photographic and spe< nsti , pie attachments, an astronomical transit, a zenith telescope, a chrono•r\ iph. md the nec< arj clocks, chronometers, and othei small instruments, j'. me will be metal and f the latest pattern. ; I MORATORY OF VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY. > \ itable pbysiol<>-r> ha heretofore been taught by lectures and text1), ethods supplemented by such experiments and observations ascouldbe ifferecni i' oul of doors. During the last term efforts have been made to introduce rllJNftru' ratory work in the subject and students have thus spent two-flfthsof Irti it Is now propo ed to add to the laboratory a glazed structure an< r, vh full set oi apparatus by which the activities of living plants can b ^ i perimentally and by which the effects of external conditions and upon such plants can be ascertained. It is expected that this w rk ^ f \ li ) u - fid I th u p o n t he scient ilic a n d t he pract ical sides. t: \ a ir; The botanical laboratory will be otherwise enlarged and Improved. Kxten oi of the work in bacteriology tor chemists, tnitary engin ricull urist «re proj ed. ZOOLOGY. The principal new features of the work of the department oi i •ondn >lo fo 1 n.oh ^ f l '•!»« An < ai nl and more thorou h or anizatlon of second year work ,i mi \ con Iderable Increase of the offerings In entoTIM id. tltution o( u course in elementary biology for the mlnoi n/ ,M., I y offered, I. The arrangement ol peclal courses 1 ol natural n« made with part nla r r c l . i v m v to - r a d u a t e ^ t i imiiari. tnaied. . 27u permanent and >mj h, , | i n ( j otheiH equipmento) tin in Uyo) Ulln<> logical I rtment Station nth* Ulinou !(">, {,,, ,, i, i Htu building and equipment aw now pwvttkd% which will I i'ii ly ojM in w i• , ii am i; hah i v Tim III* i:ii >m\ inei i I , ,, riMtrU ii ml Am II ri i; i:. I from tin • Ultlll ' U) i '' "in rnmoHl fo I Ud> m l