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Caption: Booklet - Admission Requirements (1936) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Colleges, Schools, and Co muni a The ma&'&mpus of the University of Illinois is situated in , ,, rhe . i?l hiiles south o1 Chicago. I IK- I win Cities form J ; W f -i- S^ S ^^ ^ K ^ ^ ^ p S— and l f M • '.(kvp ^ also^.give r service * < f Medidnc, the College of Dentistry, an< 1 the Pharmacy a r ^ located in $iicagO, near the Cook County He 'spital. our ^ ^ ^ alSSB sys. C o l sW _ 1 In Urbana-Cham£aign offering courses in the humanities a * sciences, specialized curricula in Chemistry and Chemical Engineerjn ' preparation for the professional schools. '& and COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, offering curricula in r leral Business, Accountancy, Commercial Teaching, Foreign Commerce y'{ Civic Secretarial Service, Banking and Finance, Insurance, Public t l n - H Industrial Administration, Commerce and Law, and Transportation • COILEGEOF ENGINEERING, offering curricula in Ceramics, Agricultural, Civil. K l e f l cal Mechanical, Mining, Metallurgical, and Railway Engineering, General Engineering, and Engineering Physics. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, offering curricula in Agriculture, Floriculture, Home Economics, and Nutrition and Dietetics. ™ COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, offering curricula in General, Agricultural, Home ^ Eco, nomics, and Industrial Education. COLLEGE OF F I N E AND APPLIED ARTS, offering curricula in Art, Architecture. L ndscape Architecture, and Music. COLLEGE OF LAW, offering a professional curriculum in Law. • SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM, offering general and special curricula in Journalism. • SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, offering separate curricula for women and for men. • LIBRARY SCHOOL, offering a two-year curriculum in Library Science for college graduates. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GRADUATE SCHOOL (for advanced w o r k ) . COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES, T H E SUMMER SESSION. In Chicago offering a five-year course (including service in an approved hospital) leading to the degree of COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY, offering a four-year course leading to of Dental Surgery. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, offering a four-year course leading to lor of Science in Pharmacy. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, • one year of intern* Doctor of Medicine the decree of Dotf I the decree of Bacll l I Publications office rsSic°a te? C f f ° Ilowing P ubli cations may be obtained on request. Address t l ^Tuttfefe AnnouncTmVZFof^C ^ 9 A( * mini tra S L^n ourses in a » departments). -Mr. G * p f E l d i n g , Lrbana. I Director 1 r\ P e AppHed si v i nana. vZn* *& tSF'JStSPg*** Hall, Urbana Journalism', rv «xtord Newcomb, III) \,, I.... { f » ~ K n A ' T ' I V '- W. M„ n ,, lv „„ ,, . f edidn J f 3 01 La U a l ,l u f) " Dcan b T n' " k;Z»xiTU r , ) " "' ''" l)(, nti.strv — \\ • J' Davis, 18S< \v 8 W a . \' ana, Htiildi " ' Day, 71S Sm,th w53"?i r JWt - " aic
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