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Caption: Booklet - Admission Requirements (1936) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
V IUMO aiul 1 low S v U\ Li v < i III .|\ , , hulls, itml i, , . , , , „ , ' " ' " ,'' I. '" i" lv; "' ' ii • «i i suitable livi, ,,„, ,,„ .' ' ' to Icnl , , X o u ,-\;" ulu K >s a' private house where ' P" teho "' " tncy room, come toe-ethor for tl ieir "ties serve meals IUomini*c mcnihcrs . . v mvnia t \ h ? m S & d,n c,ub va *S" S =ttS2* butth are - - »• ,; » -'a n P : ;G r o ,|,l,,„s „„ non-sorority group has an organTzafon U s , « P System, and the i -fraternity & group has its -.it Council. ' ' S t u d e n t Employment and Self-Help M nts earn a part of their expenses while attending the Univernone si aid plan to do so unless it is absolutely necessary. There s ' n applicants for work than there are jobs to be had. bs of ev< ry d scription, although nearly sixty per cent of the < hit- | r cei 'i' the women who are working have jobs for room A new s t u d e n t must keep in mind that most places I each year by those already in the University, and m 11 • filled al the cl< nnot ex] :t 1 step immediately into a job when he reaches the He sh I have available a cash r serve of at least $250. With a Her • nt his ' • in< tl condition would be so precarious as to endanger ilth and ac mic standing. h Physical Examination ! ul " n« . student must take- a physical examination. Before registration, , t to • :m: be m a d e for this e x a m i n a t i o n at the University Health nd the e x a m i n a t i o n will be given at the time oi appointment l e n t Prospective students visiting the campus may take an . ,h * ions during the summer or at other times before the w period Scholarships 1 Mil A ..'.„, , liable m s.u.fcnts pursuing currcula in Ccranw , ; , , , . h count) on nominal I the Minou Clay Manu ,„ Wricultun (one from each county, awarded bj .;;,„„„• «. ml the Him.- Farmers' Institute), and ,WI , ,,,),,i i,N competitive examination on ..-nun., ,].,! Ill| !•• Institute).
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