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Caption: Booklet - Graduate Study in Labor and Industrial Relations (1953) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
mcnt oi Labor, National Labor Relationi Board, Unit 1 States Employment Scrvi , National Mediation B ird, War Laboi Board, and others. Prerequisite: Political Science 150 \mr,, m Government: Organization and POM ri . 68 Political Science). Public !'< i nacl Administration. ( to 1 . An i ot personnel management in government. Such questions i recruitment ind election, job and lalary classification, work standards trainin-, and the rol< of labor nd prof< lional organizations in tl public vice will be considered in the- light of current theory and practi . Pre' [uisite: Political Science 361 (Introduction to Public; Administration; or nt of instructor. 1 c o n o m i c s i. Statistics of L a b o r . (Vi to I ) . A study of the m e t h o d s a n d 7h I blems invoh 1 in the derivation of "labor statistics" from both the th< il and practii 1 points of view. Th< statistical aspects of thine irement, analysis, and interpretation of data on wages, employment, labor force, and productivity arc- str < d. Prerequisite: Economics 170 Elen ota of Statistii ) or [uivalent. WORK EXPERIENCE [ualify for the- master* degree offered by the Institute, the- student required to work for a minimum of three- months as a production v. >rk r. And, the student must show — through oral and written iminations — that he 1ms learned some of the practical problems in\ lv( 1 in employer-employee relationships and the effect ot various lutions of th< problems on the employee, the employer, the industry', and the community outside the plant. In ex ptional < •: 3 previous work experience may 1< submitted, > nl wishin to do so should request work-experience forms and f. the i instructions from the- Institute- at an early date-. It a eptabl < ti . nt may take- the- examinations on this subject during the first ter of gradu;it< nid\ . In mo I cas< . however, it is advisable for the student to have one i f graduate study at the University before getting his work ' Kp i icn INSTITUTE LIBRARY '1 Man) \> pamphlet periodicals, and other materials I r reseai h laboi and industrial relations an < "lie* t- 1 in the Institute Library Sj I at ntion has 1 " ' " given t > journals and proceedings ot na< tional lal u unions, report -I (eel, i.d and stat< labor a ncies, and li(.,ti(,r I univei itics foundations, and research a ncies in tli 13
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