Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
16 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 21 I concur. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this recommendation was approved. Fee Exemption for Employees Registered as Students, Urbana (17) In June 1973 the Board approved a recommendation from the Chancellor at the Urbana-Champaign campus that University employees who register as students and are already covered under the mandatory state insurance plan be exempted from the Health Service portion of the hospital-medical-surgical student fee and not be eligible to pay the fee. T h e proposal was designed to prevent pyramiding of health and insurance benefits. Although the Athletic Association at the Urbana-Champaign campus is separately administered and organized, its employees are for the most part treated in a similar fashion to those of the University. Thus, the Chancellor at the Urbana-Champaign campus has now recommended that employees of the Athletic Association who register as students and are already covered under the association's health insurance plan be exempted from the Health Service portion of the hospital-medical-surgical student fee and not be eligible to pay the fee. I concur in that recommendation and further recommend that the exemption and ineligibility also be applied to employees of the University of Illinois Alumni Association and the University of Illinois Foundation who register as students and are already covered by the health service plans of their employers. On motion of Mrs. Rader, these recommendations were approved. Decrease in Special Fees for Flight Training Courses, Institute of Aviation, Urbana (18) On March 17, 1976, the Board of Trustees approved a flight fee of $400 for the courses Aviation 105 and 115 (Soaring I and I I ) , to be effective as of the first semester of the 1976-77 academic year. T h e Chancellor at Urbana-Champaign, on the advice of the Director of the Institute of Aviation, has now recommended that the Board approve a reduction in the fee for these two courses, to $325, effective the first semester 1976-77. T h e reduction is recommended because students now will be required to provide their own gliders for use in the soaring courses. Previously the Institute of Aviation leased the necessary equipment from the Mini Glider Club at a cost of $75 per student; the lease will not be renewed, and students must obtain their own equipment. Students may join the Illini Glider Club for a fee of $75 and thereby are eligible to use the club's gliders in Aviation 105 and 115. (Students may obtain the equipment elsewhere if they prefer.) T h e Vice President for Administration concurs in this recommendation. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this recommendation was approved. Report for Information: Change in Degree Titles, Department of Leisure Studies, Urbana (19) T h e Dean of the College of Applied Life Studies, the Dean of the Graduate College, the Chancellor, and the President have approved title changes of degrees offered by the Department of Leisure Studies as follows: From Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Park Administration Master of Science in Recreation and Park Administration Doctor of Philosophy in Recreation and Park Administration To Bachelor of Science in Leisure Studies Master of Science in Leisure Studies Doctor of Philosophy in Leisure Studies