Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
14 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 21 Sabbatical Leaves of Absence, 1976-77, Urbana (13) T h e Chancellor at Urbana-Champaign has recommended that the following faculty members be given sabbatical leaves of absence in accordance with the provisions of the University of Illinois Statutes and on the terms and for the periods indicated. T h e programs of research and study for which the leaves are requested have been examined by the Research Board at the campus, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs has reviewed the applications for the leaves and recommends approval. I concur. College of Education Department of Educational Policy Studies HUGH G. PETRTE, Professor of Philosophy of Education, second semester, 1976-77, full pay. Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations WILLIAM J. ADELMAN, Associate Professor, four months beginning February 1, 1977, full pay. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Anthropology JOHN O. STEWART, Assistant Professor, first semester, 1976-77, one-half pay. O n m o t i o n of M r . H o w a r d , t h e s e leaves w e r e g r a n t e d a s r e c o m mended. Amendment of Senate Constitution, Medical Center (14) Under Article I I , Section 1, of the University of Illinois Statutes, amendments to a Senate Constitution must be approved by the Board of Trustees. At its meeting on Wednesday, June 2, 1976, the Senate at the Medical Center campus approved a change in Article I I of the Constitution, whereby a new Section 7 would be added and the present Section 7 would be renumbered Section 8. T h e proposed new Section 7 is as follows: Unexcused absence from two (2) meetings of the Senate per academic year shall lead to automatic removal from Senate membership. Vacancies so created shall be filled in accordance with Section 8 of this Article. The Chancellor at the Medical Center campus and the Vice President for Academic Affairs concur in the recommended change. The University Senates Conference has indicated that no further Senate jurisdiction is involved. I recommend approval. O n m o t i o n of M r . L i v i n g s t o n , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a p p r o v e d . Undergraduate Tuition Waivers (15) O n May 15, 1974, the Board of Trustees established guidelines for all undergraduate tuition waiver programs at the University of Illinois. This action established a maximum number of tuition waivers in effect at any time as 946, with a limit for nonresident waivers established at 315. The maximum (946) includes: 16 Smith Music waivers (which the University agreed to establish and maintain under an agreement with the donor of Smith Music Hall) and 930 additional waivers. An analysis of waivers currently awarded reveals that, as a result of improved state and federal financial aid programs, "need-based" waivers have