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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1974 Version B This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1974] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 595 REQUEST TO FOUNDATION TO EMPLOY ARCHITECTS FOR T H E BENJAMIN GOLDBERG RESEARCH CENTER. MEDICAL CENTER (30) On April 17, 1974, the Board of Trustees requested the University of Illinois Foundation to build "The Benjamin Goldberg Research Center" facility with funds received by the Foundation from the estate of the late Benjamin Goldberg. The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends that the Foundation be requested to employ Graham, Anderson, Probst & White, Inc., Chicago, for complete architectural and engineering services for this project at a fee of 8 per Cent of the actual construction cost. The fee includes cost estimating services and full-time field supervision. Funds are available in the Foundation from the estate of the late Benjamin Goldberg. The Buildings and Grounds Committee has approved the selection of this firm. O n motion of Mr. Livingston, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Howard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Livingston, M r s . Rader, Mr. Steger; no, none; absent, Dr. Bakalis, Mr. Neal, Mr. Swain, Governor Walker. Mr. H a h n asked to be recorded as not voting. EXTENSION OF LEASE AT 6 2 7 - 1 / 2 S O U T H W R I G H T STREET. CHAMPAIGN (31) The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends that the University of Illinois Foundation be requested to enter into an agreement extending the present lease of approximately 2,692 net assignable square feet on the second floor of 627i/£ South Wright Street, Champaign, from July 1, 1974, through June 30, 1976, at an annual rental of $5,475, and to sublease the property to the University, subject to the availability of funds, on a fiscal year basis. The lease will provide for an option in the Foundation to extend the lease upon the same terms and conditions for two additional single-year periods. Funds for the rental payments for FY1975 will be included in the operating budget of the Operation and Maintenance Division and will be requested on an annual basis thereafter. O n motion of Mr. Howard, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. H a h n , Mr. Howard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Livingston, M r s . Rader, M r . Steger; no, none; absent, Dr. Bakalis, Mr. Neal, Mr. Swain, Governor Walker. EXTENSION OF LEASE AT 2 6 EAST SPRINGFIELD A V E N U E . CHAMPAIGN (32) The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends that the University of Illinois Foundation be requested to enter into an agreement extending the present lease of approximately 6,103 net assignable square feet on the second floor of 26 East Springfield Avenue, Champaign, from July 1, 1974, through June 30, 1977, at an annual rental of $9,000, and to sublease the property to the University, subject to the availability of funds, on a fiscal year basis. Funds for the rental payments for FY1975 will be included in the operating budget of the Operation and Maintenance Division and will be requested on an annual basis thereafter. O n motion of Mr. Steger, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. H a h n , Mr. Howard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Livingston, M r s . Rader, Mr. Steger; no, none; absent, Dr. Bakalis, Mr. Neal, Mr. Swain, Governor Walker.
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