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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 34 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
University of Illinois Library School {of past four years to such an extent that the Trustees feel some con that soon the yield may not be sufficient to meet the amount n e c e ^ s for the annual Katharine L. Sharp Scholarship. *ry ' nni might well consider such a membership a investment in their profession for this scholarship has helped **] ielp should continue to help fellow alumni t o a year of graduate «TA be impossible tfffior' J Margaret Boynton Windsor Windso Windso been well for some time, her death, which was caused by coronary thrombosis, was unexpected. Funeral services were held on February 17 at Wesley Foundation, Urbana, with the Reverend Paul Burt, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, in charge. Born in Lockport, New York, January 1, 1872, Margaret Fursman * me * <a \V»n< L1 Read" •v ,. Biog We* • ^ mi W in the study of botany a n d entomology. S h e w a s married to Phineas Lawrence W i n d s o r on J a n u a r y 1, 1902. Following several years in Washington, D . C , a n d Austin, T e x a s , M r s . W i n d s o r had resided in Urbana since 1909, w h e n M r . W i n d s o r assumed the directorship of the University of Illinois L i b r a r y . H e r m a n y activities in the community included work in T r i n i t y Methodist Church, the League of Women Voters, P h i Beta K a p p a , S i g m a X i , the Cornell Alumni Club, and the Kappa Alpha T h e t a A l u m n a e Chapter. Windsor Library Club and other activities of the Library School and Library With Mr. W the meetings of the Illinois Library Association and the American Library Association where former students of the Library School were able to renew acquaintance with her. She also accompanied Mr. 1940. when they visited some 300 alumni and former members of the Library staff, and it was through her interesting letters that those at home received a vivid account of their experiences on these travels. Mrs. Windsor's cordial manner and genuine friendly interest gave her a secure and lasting place in the affections of many alumm throughout the country who will join with her Champaign-Urbana Windso their bereavement. FACULTY NOTES Director Downs attended a conference of the Association of Research he Libraries in New York City, March 1 and 2. Preceding this meeting was in Washington where he spoke at an alumni dinner. il s: Two articles by Mr. Downs appear in recent issues of Illinois Libr("' ' — _ -* * * * This volun i given by aBHversary c L W . St ' preparation i tor a cotnmi leg workd Lowell Mart Anne M publishers \ Bloomingtoi Rose B I with this pre **« has b 4*—I. 1- # .« • - •» «• •»»,••' - - 1 A.*-*n til
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