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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 33 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Number 33 62*^ fc |U r$fary School Associati . * » MEWS LETTER FALL Dr. Lewis F. Stieg became assistant director c ersitv of Illinois Library School, succeeding: Dr. H. W of the Diarmid Minnesota with >nal background, liversity of Chigree Library School, having previously graduated from | Library School at the University o Michigan. After completing his f undergraduate work at the University of Buffalo he received a master of arts degree there and another at Harvard University. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Since 1936 D r . S t i e g had served as librarian of Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, and before that occupied a similar Position at John B. Stetson University, Deland, Florida. While at Hamilton College Dr. Sti eg did considerable research on L E W I S F. STIEG ^^uiduon recorcis anu w n ^ v *^ and brarJ a$Ci the findings being pubJfy Technique for Evaluating J, '•shed in Library Quarterly. His article, . . t h e ^ e journal. "-VI in L,iorary y w w K ' v th«. College Library Book Collection, appearcu rvti.__ T M . . _ . u^L- Collection, ^e assistant grad i UNIVERSITY OF December 01umc 41 i ILLINOIS BULLETIN 21, 1943 Number 18 proi
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