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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

FACULTY N O T E S foreign library service White, who acts as advisor to the A.L.A. Board^riduca ccrn H for Librarianship for a study devoted to this subject. Dr. White served don chairman of the Conference of Middle Western Research Libraries held at the University of Chicago in January to discuss coooeration between such libraries. Alumni who attended John Crerar Library, Jackson E an and Grace Van Wormer of Iowa Library "Changes in organization at the University of Illinois Library" is the White and Research Libraries. His discussion of "The battle of the books" appears in the January 1943 issue of Illinois Libraries. Director emeritus Windsor delivered the address at the annual Honors Day convocation at the University of Illinois, May 1, 1943. His subject was "Books and the Studious Life." Dr. Windsor is serving as chairman of the AJLA. Committee on Council Terms of Office. As a member of the Advisory Committee of the Illinois State Library, Dr. Windsor attended the regional library institutes on war and postwar issues held in April in Chicago and St. Louis. Other faculty members attending the St. Louis Loh birthday anniversary, May II nerita. was marked by many guest 16, at the University Women's Club, Urbana, by Jtunma K. juuun iu*u librarian, and Alice S. Johnson, reference librarian. Members of the Woman's Guild of the Episcopal Chapel, of which Miss Simpson is a member, entertained her at luncheon, May 18. The same evening Miss Simpson was a dinner guest in the home of Director White and Mrs. White. ; .'-,,_/ greetings 1108 South Lincoln Avenue sends the following message in reply: Urbana, Illinois May 18, 1943 To the Alumni of the Illinois Library School: With the kind permission of the editoiSJ the tfmr Z. ^ ^ ^ th 's opportunity of acknowledging with ^atetu. i v ^ few ^ friendship and good-will which tavebeenrejchm* J i n a b i l i t y tQ h a v e ^ys. When I add that they " r « 1 l v understood send individual personal replies will be « * f t r i b u t e s w h i c h m y friends have I wish I could feel that I descrve a 1 1 h o w e v e r , I am human enough ^pressed, but that I fear would not be quite true, no t0 he glad that they think I do. wish ^ a „ m y Li brary School friends On this my eightieth birthday, :may K ^ ^ ^ ^^ m y g o o d f o r t u n e t o a s long, and as happy, and as " " " y b r t i o n f o r the completion of four score experience, and as wondertu a C e r t a i n i y I a m a lucky woman! years as has just been granted -..«.„ t :^A 3 Cordially your friend, FRANCES SIMPSON • • 9 d
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