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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Alumni News Letter Ohio: Mary Helen James and Nellie F. Finch. Michigan Prall Mischler, > g a~ * " " Buchholz, "" " " " " ^ ' * * * * * * * « _ , « r - r . ^ ™ uH S :T W ~S S S S M. FciH M^ » ' Frances Hinrichsen, and » San Jose, California: Jeannette Vander Eunice Speer. I New York State alumni present a t a tea held on lumbia University sent greetings through Helen Geer. Greetings « w . * . « v « VUUCR r w Stillwater, Oklahoma, were sent by Grace A. Campbell; from the alumni of Connecticut, Delaware, and Rhode Island by Marion Van Sickle Hendricks; from those of Corvallis, Oregon, by Ruth Krueger; from those of DcKalb, Illinois, by Katherine Walker; and from the Folwell Club, Uni•*n I yersity of Minnesota, by Phyllis Mansfield. V I Individual messages were received from Eugenia Allin, James Millikin I University, Decatur, Illinois; Elizabeth Bryan, University of California an I at Los Angeles; Pauline Calendine, University of Idaho, Moscow; Mary h Juris* Clay, Northeast Junior College, Monroe, Louisiana; Carlyle Morris, Public Library, Chicago, Illinois; Ina Stout, University of Idaho Southern Branch, Pocatello; Phianna Sutten, University of Wyoming, Laramie; DOOSOD. L * Frank K. Walter, University of Minnesota. r Patter It is impossible to reproduce here all the messages, which were greatly appreciated by the Library School faculty and others gathered at Urbana. (Mat* Some referred to the value of particular phases of the Library School [abelLG work in subsequent professional activities. Others mentioned specifically 1 Sum the instructors from whom the authors of the greetings had derived inrnDpWi ^ spiration. The general spirit of appreciation of the School's past and confidence in the future which characterized all is admirably expressed in j the message from one gathering: Ru: * "This little group of librarians—alumni all—cherish with gratitude idersoBf * the years spent at the University of Illinois to fit ourselves for a useful life. r " this hour we join other alumni in toasting the past. We salute the distl nguished leadership and the long roster of able educators of our Alma orem M «er. In honoring its traditions we greet the future in confidence and good will." 1CS V C 8 ' * * » i Present Officers Continue Due to the fact that there will be no annual meeting of t h e ^ ^ HHnois Library School Association this year, the present officer , w11 «*l over. The constitution provides that the Association s annual n cet«•* shall IKheld^during the American Library Association convention Si *ce the l^orX^tkm has cancelled its convention plans due to war ^ m Z ^ ^ m S i n g of the Illinois Library School Association is r of L h rr, automatically c a n c d l v ^ c o n s t i t u t i o n the officers "shall be elected According to Article V«ot tnt ^ adjournmcnl at each annual meeting and snan wnui following °« the meeting at which their successors are elected. Thus the following r «cers will continue in their present positions:
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