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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Jo University of Illinois Library, Sch The loan librarian of the University of Mississi • is Pearl N. Tut tie, formerly librarian of the UniversitKl*» ^ 0* y o t Ml School Library also located at Oxford. »»issi Ppi ft I I.ranch 1 ibrarian of the Tenley sub-branch of the W lln hl gton, rj Public Library is Elizabeth J. Wellshear's position ry •c <ea»o< ! Marian E. Wittenberger resigned as librarian of the Mo • ! 0 Public Library to become assistant librarian of the Veteran^A* -'S S in tion Facility Library, Aspinwall, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. % • Editor ° f Class of 1941 * e 1 , b * Wash tier 31Withers n i In February Winnie A. Arnold became head of the circulation <w Mary I ment of the Aurora, Illinois, Public Library, after resigning her positkn ;chool L i t at the Goshen, Indiana, Public Library. a City. l o * Mrs. Margaret L. Kelly Carroll resigned her position at the Indian. Since 1 apolis Public Library to join her husband, a second lieutenant in the A r i . oi the Pai an ^ tion in tht Advanced Flight School at Turner Field. Robert K. Johnson, who was an advanced student in the 1940 and 19! summer sessions, resigned his position at Central College Library, Fayette. Kathl Missouri, and is now Production Office assistant of the Central DevelopSince ment and Experimental Unit, Fisher Body Detroit Division of the Genen Circulate Motors Corporation. His wife, the former Florence Kribs who also to that t tended summer school in 1941, is now a junior cataloger at the Detr Library. Public Library. Their home address is 660 Virginia Park, Detr Don Michigan. In January Rebecca C. Jones became librarian of the Leyderi Cm Hawaii, oMcAlist munity High School, Franklin Park, Illinois, after resigning as libra* In of the Clinton, Illinois, Community High School. Dougla Alethia Annette Lewis resigned her position at held a Talladega, Alabama, to take a position in the Journalism Libra, On Lincoln University at Jefferson, Missouri. Early in March Mrs. Geraldine McNulty Westerveld accepted a^js- Mrs. 2 tion as assistant cataloger in the library of the National Safety U> ^ Bouldt Chicago. She had previously been with the Science Research AS Oi Library in the same city. Librai oi To accept a position in the Exchange Division of the Univcr^. ^ theD 0 Illinois Library, Eleanor Frances Matthews resigned her positioi Webster Groves, Missouri, Public Library. ian , Since February 1942, Ruth Power has been chemistry library ^ Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. She resigned her position University High School Library, Urbana, Illinois. . publ;; In order to accept a position at the Highland Park. IjUnMJ . . Library, Dorothy T. Reading resigned her position at the WWte e New YnrL- P,.»J.„ lLibrary. ' evv York, Public ;i Department Co mfflm,
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