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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

University of Illinois Library Sch Edna Gustafson, librarian of the West High School t K ry Colorado, is a member of the committee whose report on "Til - Dn e War Activities of Colorado Libraries" appears in Libia ^ C ' ary March 1<>43. ^ 7 In order to accept a position at the Colorado State Coll Lib"J« Fort Collins, Colorado, in February, Florence B. Morgan^«.• rait m position at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texa*? W x as Library; College Station, T e x a s . • Since the first of this year the librarian of the Muscatine W Library has been Opal F. Tanner, who was formerly head of the C rc4 tion Department of the Des Moines, Iowa, Public Library. ' Mrs. Ruth R. Warrick is acting librarian of the Urbana, Uliinois, h Library. Class of 1930 5£ ;cboo' *> Easte^ jpffctf- A' Teacher^ chusetts 3 William Baehr, who has been librarian of Augustana College, Rod Since Island, Illinois, will go to Manhattan, Kansas, as librarian of the Kna a ss State Agricultural College this fall. H e received his Master's Degree i n City. Ka" Library Science in 1930. IIA'32, Sistei Ruth Gertrude Boughton Howard, whose husband, Richard B. Howard, died recently after a long hospitalization following an accident, has a bb ay lege, Sioi girl born soon after her husband's death. Her address is 38 Mathilda Place. Mrs. Hempstead, New York. phia Stn Lucy Foote's volume Bibliography of Publications of Louisiana, W!1934 is characterized as a model of its kind by Robert J. Usher m his review published in the Library Quarterly for January 1943. Cata At the St. Louis, Missouri, Public L i b r a r y , Florence H. Goodfellow is I Athens> an assistant in the Open Shelf Department. Mrs year oli Arthur E. Gropp, M.A.'31, who is on leave from his position^ Yirgini; Tulane University to establish and organize an American library in At tevideo, is living at Tristan Marvaja 860, Apt. 11, Montevideo, Urug«holds South America. At Mary Edith Houston was married to Homer M. Matthews Septem ' is a te 12, 1941, and lives at Verbena Road, Route 2. San Antonio, TexasrcS1 Edi Paul Howard, librarian of the Gary, Indiana, Public Library, is P Divisk dent of the Indiana Library Association for the current year. a masi vcS at Charlotte Elizabeth Howe is now Mrs. Clvdc Wilson and l' this si Market Street, Emporia, Kansas. U Mrs. Rhea E. Stitt, the former Kathcrine M. Knoop, live* at Stan month ville, North Carolina. Public Eunice Lucille Spencer resigned her position as head «>l the M Department at Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College U* living St 1 w a t e r ) to accept the position of reference librarian at the Be*'* craft Library, Wichita, Kansas. for tl k 1
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