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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 32 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

' Alumni News Litter Postwar Planning Institutes » £ S c ***** « . Wd j , t h e s p r i n g Qf , , * £ "an „, uh ^mni were in charge of the institutes held in their respective statu Snook, M.A/12, librarian, Public Library, Little Rock. Arkansas ! ^ B. Nofcier, B.S/28 director, Library Extension Division, State Department v l of Library and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky la R Zimmerman, B.S/27, director of libraries, State Department of Education, St. Paul, Minnesota jhrtha M. Parks, B.S.*27, director, School Libraries Division, State Department of Education, Nashville, Tennessee Mrs. Gretchen Knief Schenk, B.S/30, librarian, State Library, Olympia, Washington Jean Sneed, B.S/35, executive secretary Jackson, Mississippi Vcra ^e A.L.A. sponsored a local institute on War and Postwar Vunn- designated for regional were M. Wyeth, B.L.S/06, librarian, Public Library, Savannah, Georgia man, Atlanta center h E. Hammond, B.L.S/17, librarian, City Library, Wichita, Kansas man. Toneka renter. Alumni in Armed Forces and War Work J Information given in Changes in status of those low alumni and the editors tion. The latest address of the following listings is the latest available. in military service are of great interest to felwill appreciate recent news for future publicaeach person is also given when known. ALUMNAE IN WAR SERVICE arry, Louise, B.S.'34; WAVES. ... Canova, Madeline Frances, B.S/29; Ensign, U.S.N.R., Reserve Dmsion, Bureau of Ordnance, Department of the Navy, Washington, D.C Hegland, Maxine Lillian, B.S/315 Ensign, U.S.N.R, Seattle, Washmgton. Address: 2929 West Eaton St., Seattle, Washmgton. Kinder, Katharine, graduate student 1941-42; Ens.gn, Naval L.brary, Boston, Massachusetts. Uoyd, D. Gwendolyn, B.S/33, A.M/42; WAVES Midshipman's UcGivaren, Mrs. Nina Stamps, B.b.4i, W A V , , School (WR), Smith College, Northampton Massachusetts. B w 0V II or * I t.onal work overseas. WAVE S , U.S.N.R., Midshipman's School Des Moines, Army Moines, Iowa.
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