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Alumni News r , ltv Letter of IIK*» Library m particular, the film is well adapted to JUm S t h e use of any college or university library It may be borrowed by Y Xr libraries through the University's Visual Aids Service. I Alumni With Army and Navy T I George B. Brown, B.S/37, M.S/40, has received a military leave from his position as assistant order librarian at the University of Illinois to report for duty, April 21, as a first lieutenant at Camp Wallace, an antiaircraft training center near Galveston, Texas. H e is engaged in instructional work. . * The librarian of the Brooklyn Naval Hospital Library in Brooklyn, New York, is Eloise Givens, B.S/40. Marjorie Hall, B.S. in L.S/40, who for a short time was assistant in the Binding Department of the State University of Iowa Library, at Iowa City, Iowa, has resigned to accept a United States Navy library'position. A member of the library staff at the Camp Callan Library in San Diego, California, is Louis Kenney, B.S.'40, who entered the army in the summer of 1941. This is the largest library in the ninth corps area and contains over 5,500 volumes. The librarian, Miss Rachel Dent, and six enlisted men form the library staff. Mr. Kenney has a military leave from his position as an assistant in the Engineering Library at the University of Illinois. He writes that fiction is most popular, including everything from mystery stories to the classics, but of non-fiction the mathematics books are most in demand. Kate Palmer, B.S. in L.S.'32, has been granted a leave of absence from her position as high school librarian in Whiting, Indiana, to become post librarian at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Indiana. Edward Ratcliff, B.S/40, assistant in the Agriculture Library at the e University of Illinois now on military leave, writes philosophically of army hers* "fe. "Never before have I in so short a time been able to learn as many different things, most of them applicable to life outside of the military a s in. The objectionable things are in no sense the more prevalent, and ted to *ith reasonable flexibility and adaptability will prevent its being burdennak: some or unpleasant to the normal person. Most of the fellows I know are ^aftees and morale is high." He mentions the great joy that mail call produces each day. His address is Battery B, 33rd Battalion, 8th T raining Regiment, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Elizabeth Roper, B.S. in' L.S.'39, resigned her g*itk>n m t h e Depart „ nt ...„.:„„ T :u' A JoinoH the staff of the Naval Hospital Library Tied Waukega 20, 1942. M •- c u ** WS'19 suspended his graduate work toward a -Martin Schmitt, B.S..39, suspe Martin . «f M i s s o u r i i n F c b r u a r y to 11 master s degree i n ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ / s t e r v i ^ o n the Library Staff at the Army enlist in the armed forces. He is serving on r Collesre. Washington, D.C. 0 tori ad* 1
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