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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

University of Illinois Library School cxprc-M appreciation of the guidance given its found*.rs \ Emeritus Windsor of the University of Illinois Library s K ^ man distinguished for the nobility of his generous spirit as w n H as i( scholarship and a thorough knowledge of scholarship's greater iV * ces k™> t laborator. i he library » Class of 1925 Word has been received of the death on March 6, 1942, of Alma Hook, who for a year previous had been on sick leave from her position a s head Department Park, Maryland. Class of 1926 Helen Haug, for fifteen years in charge of Dayton's largest branch library, has been appointed supervisor of Branch and Extension Agencies to replace Mrs. Linskey who retired. Her duties will include coordination of branch and book wagon agencies. Flora E. Hottes is spending a year in La Paz, Bolivia, in the interest of children's libraries and of the Bahai faith. Miss Hottes, who is o n leave of absence from her position as children's librarian in the Gilbert ML Simmons Library, Kenosha, Wisconsin, left the United States o n April 3, making the entire trip of seven days by plane. President of the Illinois Library Association for the current year is Arnold Trotier, M.A/32. Class of 1927 The new assistant state librarian in Lansing, Michigan, is Helen M. Curt, who was formerly director of work with schools in the Enoch Pratt Library in Baltimore. Mrs. Myron Getchell, the former Louise Winn, is acting chief of the Catalog Division of the University of Maryland Library. College ar • Class of 1928 In March, 1942, Edna M. Brown became assistant librarian. Li _ _ of Congress, in the Descriptive Cataloging Division Miss Brown;who received her Master's degree in August, 1930, resigned a p a t i o n m thc o n Catalog Department at the University of Illinois Librarj to Library of Congress position. Class of 1929 Anne Burner, librarian, Free Library, Urbana. Illinois, is treasurer oi | Illinois Library Association, succeeding George B. Brown, who has l* called into military service. 1 Gladys Johnson is librarian of the Bureau of Fisheries, Fish a n d ^ life Service, of the United States Department of the Interior. tment Dorothy Besnden Keller is acting head of the Accessions IVpar at the University of California Library in Berkeley. ivef Mrs. Esther Price Roe rig, A.M/34, resigned her position on the Unn
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