UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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of Illinois



Miss Elsie M. L u n d b o r g , B.S. '30, librarian Helena High School I brary, Helena, Mont., was on the M o n t a n a s t a t e executive committee f the year 1936-37. Ralph W . McComb, B.S. '32, M.A. '36, acting librarian of Tolane U versity, was chairman of the p r o g r a m c o m m i t t e e at the meeting of t: Louisiana Library Association in A l e x a n d r i a in April. H e also gave a ta| on professional publications and was a m e m b e r of the registration a*j publicity committee and federal relations c o m m i t t e e for the association. Helen More, B.L.S. '25, head catalog d e p a r t m e n t , Washington StaJ College Library, Pullman, Wash., was appointed chairman of the noim nating committee of the W a s h i n g t o n State L i b r a r y Association for next year. Lena B. Nofcier, B.S. '28, secretary of the K e n t u c k y Library commi sion, was elected president of the K e n t u c k y L i b r a r y Association for 1937-1 at the meeting in October. 1 Delia Frances Northey, B.L.S. 1 1 . F r i g a t e Bookshop, Waterloo, la gave an address on the organization of county libraries before the Florid; Library Association in April. I Lois B. Payson, B.S. '28, librarian, M o n t a n a State College LibrarJ Bozeman, Mont., was chairman of the M o n t a n a state executive committel for the year 1936-37. She is also on the personnel standing committee of the Pacific Northwest Library Association. W a r r e n L. Perry, 1925-26, librarian of the College of the Puget Sounl Tacoma, Wash., writes, "Last spring Dr. Bishop asked me to aid in thl visits to junior college libraries in connection with the survey conductedI by the Carnegie corporation which has resulted in g r a n t s to various junic college libraries all over the country. I visited the junior college librarw in Washington and Montana. I was pleased to find that the best junioj college library I visited was in the capable hands of an Illinois graduatj^ M Miss Evelyn Starkey of Northern Montana College, Havre, Mont. Lois F . Shortess, 1922-23, state supervisor, school libraries, state d e | partment of education, was chairman of the resolutions committee and the policy committee on bulletin for the Louisiana Library Association. j Sister Mary Mark Orr, B.S. '33, assistant, The Saint Mary Colleg Library, Leavenworth, Kans., spoke on "Pupil Assistants in the Library," at the school libraries round table at the Kansas State Teachers Association 1 e was chairman of the college round tab! discussion at the second annual regional meeting of the Catholic Librar Association at Lawrence. Saint Mary College organized this unit of th association in January, 1937. Representatives were present from five state Pni! nr^7^ Zf\A fu.,. hold this position.

J S n 0k St ary Rcpa ata B L S >24 r i f g D v e r F ' s t I1L- h a s > b eE rne c t o r of the library e ^ L tlh e V ^CL t h o r ? ^ ' appointed editor of a h

c Library Association.

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S 35 libraria S o u t h Da , *<ota b e e n

912 13, £ I V a n S a S l ^ rTyr i a n , CPublic Library, Little Rock, Ark., " a r Uh omm libt, r ^m ^ s i o n , gVve a brief descript, u ra

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Belle Sweet. ,s h< ' °V west Library A ociation,


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