UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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t r m t u r e , ami i Knew m a t j u s t o p p o s i t e was little 'Barnswallow' mv y UK- cottage. • A atuy Junior College has a b o u t t w o h u n d r e d , from first grade through two yea:- f college. I he central part of the library was formerly the ham! We have t w e n t y - t w o t h o u s a n d v o l u m e s , and about forty magazines Tin arc some m a r v e l o u s sets for reference, t h o u g h but few late books Most of the books are gifts! I a m u n d e r no strain, for girls come daytimes*' boys at night! T h e r e are no b o o k s to buy, no fines to be collected Mrs' Lloyd, the D i r e c t o r goes after overdue b o o k s ! H U T , best of all the discipline is nil! W h o would believe that 40 boys could g a t h e r here nights without one word or t h o u g h t of a n y t h i n g but studiousiiess! N O T I ! So I love every single one of t h e m to death and will stay. space, but by no m e a n s material, fails, 1 shall have to sign off until a later date. Caney a n d I say, 'Cheerio'." LATE NEWS Mary Eileen Ahern, '95-'96, of the W i n d e r m e r e hotel, Chicago, former Indiana State librarian, died Sunday, May 22d, near Atlanta, Ga., while on a train en route to Chicago. Miss A h e r n , who was about 75 years old, was ditor of the magazine Libraries for 36 years prior to her retirement in 1931. ^he was born on a farm near Indianapolis, Ind., and was a pioneer in the work of the American public library. She organized the Indiana Library A •ociation and served as its secretary for seven years. She also had been m the library d e p a r t m e n t of the National Education Association, and had charge of the distribution of books of the A.E.F. in France during the World War. Miss A h e r n was a life m e m b e r of the American Library A »ciation, one time t r e a s u r e r of the Chicago Library Club and a former president of the Illinois L i b r a r y Association. She was one of the best known figures in the library world. H e r keen, Irish wit was much enjoyed and she was always the center of an interested group at library meetings. s • l was also a m e m b e r of the Chicago W o m a n ' s Club and the Woman's Pr Association. In the passing of Miss Ahern, Illinois lias lost one of its distinguished alumni. Frank M. Bumstead, '05-'06, formerly head of the Accessions department of the University of California Library at Berkeley, died May 16th at Alum Rock Sanatorium, San Jose, where lie had been a patient for some time. Nelle U. Branch, B.L.S. '16, librarian of the College of Agriculture ^nch Library of the University of California at Davis is to be congratulated on the proposed plans for a new library building which is one of a up of new buildings on a new Campus plan approved by the University ird of Regents recently. Gladys F . Pratt, M.A. '31, librarian of the State Teachers' College ibra

• ir teachers colleges of • the library section of a at Teachers' College, Grace Palmer, B.S*

the state. In the spring she was a panel member Conference of Elementary School Workers which Columbia. '25, librarian of the Southwest Missouri State