UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 26 [PAGE 15]

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Lucilc E. Lucas, R.S. '34 resigned her position as librarian of Rio k T, ran ' o l l e p Library at Rio Grande, O to become librarian of the L tnett Junior College L i b r a r y at L o n d o n , Ky. priscilla K. M o r r o w , B.S. '34, resigned her position in the Wilmette 111 Bina H : hool Library t o be m a r r i e d t o G o r d o n Hina. Mr. and Mrs at 3 % l arc I *K C a r m e h t a Avenue, A p a r t m e n t C, H u n t i n g t o n Park, Calif. Sister Mary Gregoriana T r u s z k a , B.S. '34, is now librarian of the Holy c* Famil> Academy, 1444 W e s t Division St., Chicago. Grace M. Arthur, B.S. '35, assistant in the reference department of the turn I ml., Public Library, was married on Sunday, October 17, 1937, to Robert Million Harper, son of Reverend and Mrs. W. Smith Harper of hicago, at two o'clock at the Grace Episcopal Church in Muncie. Mr. Harper is connected with the Muncie City Ice Co, Mr. and Mrs. Harper will live at 1317 East Main St., Muncie, Ind. M. Elizabeth Cammack, B.S. '35, resigned her position in the circulation ill raroi department of the Cossitt L i b r a r y at Memphis, Tenn., to accept a position in the Colfax Branch of the T r i - P a r i s h Library Demonstration, Colfax, La. Helen Gray, B.S. '35, resigned her position in the office of Carle MethtJie morial Hospital, U r b a n a , 111., t o m a r r y Ralph Bevis in Urbana, October Rent 1937. Mr. Bevis has been employed with the research department of Librarj, the Ferro Enamel C o m p a n y in Cleveland, O., and recently accepted a poition with the South American branch of that company in Buenos Aires, vfr. and Mrs. Bevis sailed from New York, Nov. 13, 1937. Gilberta M. Heid, B.S. '35, resigned her position at the George Washington High School Library in Indianapolis, Ind., November 1, to accept a position in the Loan D e p a r t m e n t of the University of Illinois Library, Urbana. Glenn Maynard, A.M. '35, cataloger, spent May 16-17 photographing arianoi first editions of Milton in the W r e n n Collection at the University of Texas lb .NT for the University of Illinois. Ruth H . Mueller, B.S. '35, resigned her position at the East Side Branch of the Evansville, Ind., Public Library September 15, 1937, to be married I as to Clifford A. Kleymeyer October 1, 1937. Mr. and Mrs. Kleymeyer are y for* re ling at 503 " B " S. E. Second Street, Evansville, Ind. Helen M. Murrell, B.S. '35, resigned her position in the reference deago. partment of the University of Arkansas Library at Fayetteville and was married on July 3, 1937, to L. M. W e e t m a n . Mr. and Mrs. Weetman are ant i living in Fayetteville. Vivian R. Boughter, '24-'25, (M.S. '36 Columbia) is teaching in the deUn<i I partment of library science at the University of Tennessee. it?** Lewis M. Bright, B.S. '36, has recently accepted a position in the busin< and technical division of the Public Library of Ft. Wayne and Allen |< inties, at F o r t W a y n e , Ind. Ralph T. Esterquest, B.S. '36, resigned his position at Northwestern niversity Library to become an assistant in the order department of the niversity of Illinois Library early in December, 1937. He started his rk on the Master's degree in Library Science this semester at the Uniity of Illinois. fcU F e m e M. Garman, B.S. '36, is an assistant in the loan department of the 1 niversity of Illinois Library, Urbana. Ruth J. Hamilton, B.S. '36, resigned her position in the Peoria 111., ft* J blic Library to become an assistant in the catalog department of the J »is State Library at Springfield. Dorothea Harlow, B.S. '36, is now Mrs Joe Ice and librarian of the ft Junior High School Library, 23rd and May Streets, Oklahoma City, I a.

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