UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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, r t vellum attractively t r i m m e d with b r o w n fringe; autographed by the * ,1 Ktlulyn a n d Dot] You are cordially invited to visit the secon i Kans., where this edition w" f providence Hospital. Kansas City > " display until April 21. At home after this date at 2527 N e b r a X I Ave" Harrictte E. MacFadden, H.S. '30, is librarian of the Stockbridgc Mass ibrary Association, starting her new duties O c t o b e r 15. Nellie Myers McNabb, B.S. '30, called at the L i b r a r y School office time ago to exhibit her d a u g h t e r and son. H e r husband resigned hi signed his tion with the F a r m Security Board on O c t o b e r 16th to accept a position as a istant farm adviser of t h e ) o Daviess county, O c t o b e r 18. Mr. and M McNabb will live at Elizabeth, 111.

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Elizabeth O g a n , B.S. '30, is n o w L i b r a r i a n of the O a k l a n d City, Indiana, College Library. Jessie Rigby, S.S. '31 a n d S.S. '32, head of the reference department of Cornell College L i b r a r y at M o u n t V e r n o n , la., died on F e b r u a r y 1, 1938. She was graduated from Cornell College in 1900 with highest honors. In 1906 she became a m e m b e r of the College L i b r a r y staff where her scholarly aptitudes and her l i t e r a r y t a s t e s m a d e her a valued consultant for the students and faculty. F o r s o m e y e a r s she extended her service to the graduates of the college by reviewing for the A l u m n i Bulletin the worth-while books of the year. T h e n e w s of her d e a t h will bring s o r r o w to the many who were her friends. E r n e s t J. Scheerer, B.S. '30, M.S. '38, resigned his position in the loan department in O c t o b e r , t o be in charge of the Chemistry Library at the University of Illinois. Olga E . S k a r t v e d t , B.S. '30, resigned her position in the Department of Labor Library at W a s h i n g t o n , D. C , t o become an assistant in the catalog department of the O r e g o n State Agricultural College Library at Corvallis. Vera J. Smith, B.S. '30, resigned her position as librarian of the Lockport, 111., T o w n s h i p Public Library, and was married to Victor V. Jensen of Chicago on S e p t e m b e r 4, 1937. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen will live in New York City at 159 W e s t 85th St., Apt. 2C. She continues library work as an assistant in the S a r a t o g a Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. Bessie G. Tressler, B.S. '30, recently resigned her position at the Arizona State Teachers' College L i b r a r y at T e m p e , Ariz., to accept the position as rials cataloger at the State University of Iowa at Iowa City. Manie L. Berry, S.S. '31 and '32, is now librarian of the Tupelo, Miss., Junior High School. Marguerite E . Bowles, B.S. '31, was married on June 22, 1937, to Howard Mitchell. Mrs. Mitchell is continuing as assistant cataloger in charge of periodicals at the T e x a s A. & M. College Library at College Station, Tex. Mrs. Florence O. Garrison Garber, B.S. '31, is working in the catalog department of Manchester College Library, North Manchester, Ind. Margaret A. Hager, B.S. '31, resigned her position as librarian of the Rushville, Ind., Public Library, to become librarian of the La Porte, Ind., Public Library. Helen F. Helmick, B.S. '31, resigned her position as N.Y.A. district library supervisor of district No. 4, Decatur-Danville, 111., to become librarian of the Lockport, 111., Township Public Library, starting October 11. Frances E. Wallace, B.S. '31, resigned her position in the Berea College Library Berea Ky., to become an assistant in the catalog department of tl Southwest Missouri State Teachers' College Library at Springfield, Mo. lone Williams, B.S. '31, resigned her position as librarian of the Sue