UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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I'tinrrsitv of Illinois Library School

Library of Southern Illinoii State- Normal University at C a r b o y accept'a position in tbfl circulation department of Northwestern I Library at IwanMon, 111. Evelyn M. Kayser Jackson U.S. ^ writes they are the parents daughter, Lauren Wells, born January 18, 1M. Dr. and Mrs. J a c k l / i are living at 185 Highfield Lain, Nutley, M . J . H . Katherine Kirtley Weed, B.S ?>, has resigned her positir ibrarian of the Daytona Beach, I la., high school, to teach Library S< libr tt the Florida State College for Women, rallahasst-r, starting this iOmiQer iw at Mary Ellen Moyer, B.S. '29, resigned h e r position at the Academy Hazel Green, Kv., t o accept a position in t h e catalog department of the Illinois State Library, Springfield, J a n u a r y 17, l'M8. Arnold W . Rosaaen, B.S. 29, M.A. J.\ resigned as librarian of Adelbert College Library, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 0., to be assistant t o the chief librarian of Brooklyn, N . Y. Public Library, November IS, 1937. Alleyne Baumgartner, B.S. '30, M.A. 37, writes of her new work in Pittsburgh: "Did I tell you that m y location is Westinghouse high school? W e have an enrollment of about 3000 and a faculty of 100. Those number* alone show that two librarians manage to keep out of mischief all of the time. O u r pupils consist of about one-third negroes, one-third Italiar and the others plain Americans. T h e discipline is not easy at times. The library is a pleasant room on the first floor and seats about 150, is fairly well equipped and has a book collection which compares well with the other city schools. Pittsburgh is proving to be an interesting and friendly place." Sister Mary Rose Cofey, B.S. '30, is now librarian of the Mercy Hospital of Nursing Library, 2537 Prairie Avenue, Chicago. Lenna Guthrie, B.S. '30, writes that she was recently married to W. K Hall and is no longer engaged in library work. Their present address i 1316 Short St., New Orleans, La. Blanche Hargis (Mrs. Edgar A. Roehm), B.S. 30, writes: "To go back in history a bit, we left Santa Barbara June 1, 1936, and returned to U Angeles about December 15, 1936, so we have lived here a little over a year. Most of the intervening time we spent in Baltimore while Dr. Roehm worked at Johns Hopkins Hospital. In Baltimore and Washington we met and enjoyed visits with some of the Illini holding positions there. W h « east we took in some of the south, Washington and New York. New England in the fall was beautiful.

for excitement. Henrietta Howell, B.S. '30, M.A. October, '37, r e i n e d her p o t i o n a? r r f 1C of Illinois r ; T r r ? • £VF& Library Schoo To become catalog* at the Florida State College for Women L i m W , • T . n . i , . . . . «t a rtin« «• September. Leone I . Ingram B.S. '30, was married on October 14 1937 to a M Ingram, . \ '30 x.eone x. Sa mue°i Tl^U t ' *£**. » ™ ^-Mbe'tpJSc'i.ted.) S U S f M ° " " **«™ Library of X ** V Spoo nTo rieg e ^ i n ™ ^ ™ ™ Donald W . Kohlstedt, B.S. '30 A M ^ n *u , minouncement was received fron, Kohl s t e a l H O U s T ^ J ? " ™ " * "**" "We present a limited edition entitled P^VJL. t i / i e kitC infori ati

cation, April 7; shipping w d ^ T f i f f * O t ^ & f ^ ^ ^