UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Alumni Neivs Letter

SprinfficUI. January 17 IU& She was chairman of the loan and reference ot the Ilhnoit Ubrmry Association and presided at the meetingr ? 5 i " "led at th* m * " ; l ! in Grace M. Murray, B.L.S. SO, resigned a^ librarian at the Elmhurst 111 Public Library to become Librarian of the Jacksonville, III, Public Library Jti » 15, 1938. Janet May Arie (Mrs. George J. R o e ) , 1920-21, gave her address as 405 gt), St. S K. Cedar Rapids, la., on a card received in December. The mpathy of her many friends is extended to her on the news of the death o dr. Roc from apoplexy in August, 1937. She plans to teach this summer at the Siate University of Iowa Library School at Iowa City. Arthur R. Curry, B.L.S. '21, is now state library supervisor of the State-wide Library W.P.A. Project, S m i t h - Y o u n g Tower, San Antonio, Tex. Lenore Schuffert ( M r s . William Russell) sent as a Christmas card a snapshot of her y o u n g son aged six months. Young William looked as if he were enjoying life. She was spending Christmas with her father, Prof. W. L. Shuffert of the W e s t e r n Illinois T e a c h e r s College. Warren L. P e r r y , '25-'26, librarian of the College of the Puget Sound, acoma, Wash., has a son, J o h n Francis, born October 22, 1937. Octavia F. Rogan, B.L.S. '24, has resigned from the librarianship of the Texas Masonic library and is now W.P.A. Library supervisor for district nine, comprising sixteen T e x a s counties. Hortense F. E g g m a n , '25-'26, assistant librarian of Lindenwood College, St. Charles, Mo., was granted a fellowship by the college for graduate work at Columbia University School of Library Service last summer. Charles R. Flack, B.L.S. '26, librarian of the Southwestern College for Teachers in Louisiana, resigned April 1 to accept the librarianship of Hampton Institute. Ruth C. Krueger, B.S. 27, M.A. '36, resigned her position as librarian of the Teachers' College library at Gunnison, Colo., to become head of the circulation department at the O r e g o n State Agricultural College Library at Corvallis, Ore. Mary LaRue, S.S. 27, 1926-27, resigned her position in the catalog department of the General Library Division of the Illinois State Library at Springfield, and returned to the University of Illinois to finish her work for the degree of B.S. in Library Science in June. Helen Marie Phillips, B.S. '27, died August 8, 1937, from heart trouble. Her home was at Maroa, 111. She had held positions in the Lincoln Library at Springfield, the Public library at Clinton, UL, the Township High School Library at Belleville, 111., and the Extension Division of the State Library at Springfield, 111. L Ruth C. Ringo, B.S. '27, assistant in the catalog department of the University of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, Term., is now assistant in the department of Justice Library, Washington, D. C. resigned her position at the Forsyth Library,

pater", except the Great Lakes, in the United States. Mountains ?are everywhere, and Glacier Park is less than one hundred miles away. • Cleona L. Case, B.S. '28, has recently been made acting librarian of the fancy Junior College Library, Caney Creek Community Center, Pippapass, Knott County, Ky. Lily S Koivisto, B.S. '28, is children's librarian of the Henry Adams ra nch of the Los Angeles Public Library. Estella Roy Crane, B.S. '29, has resigned her position at the Wheeler