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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 22 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
LibiaM department with a very stimulating talk on "The Librarian—h er Qualifications, education, functions and opportunities." T h e second week s she Soured"on problems of general administration. ,J Mary K. Silverthom, formerly reference librarian of the Hoyt Library —*itfinaw, Michigan, gave a paper on "Reference W o r k from the Point of View ^ f the Branch Librarian" before the University and Reference librariam at the Mid-winter meeting of the A.L.A. Wilma Shelton, librarian of the University of New Mexico Library talked Program for New Mexico" at the New Mexico 0 n ' \ Public Document Library Association annual meeting at Albuquerque. She was elected president for 103S-36. 1 >ther A. Smith, head of the Catalog department of the University of Minnesota, is chairman of the A.L.A. Catalog section committees—(1) Regional groups, (2) "Refer from" Subject references. U. Dean Stallings, B.S. '35, spoke at the College and Reference Section of the South Dakota Library Association meeting on "Reference Material on the New Deal." Helen K. Starr, James Jerome Hill Reference Library, St. Paul, Minnesota, reported at A.L.A. as chairman of the Committee on Subject Headings. She is also on the Advisory Committee on Cooperative Cataloging. * John Paul Stone, librarian of the State Teachers College Library at San Diego, California, is chairman of the College and University Section of the California State Library Association for 1935-36. Eleanor Taylor, Washburn College Library, was on the program of the Northwest district Library meeting held at Topeka, Kansas, in October. Mary Torrance, head cataloger of Emory University Library, spoke on work planning for the Small department before the Small Libraries Round Table of the A.L.A. Jackson E. Towne, librarian of Michigan State College Library, was elected chairman of the College and Reference Section of the A.L.A. for 1935-36. Arnold H. Trotier, catalog librarian of the University of Illinois Library, was elected chairman of the Catalog Section of the A.L.A. for 1935-36. He is lso a member of the advisory committee on A.L.A. Catalog Code Revision. Margaret H. Tuttle, University of Kentucky Library, sent a mimeographed opy of a most interesting "Library Letter to the Alumni" of that University. Mary Elizabeth Anderson, Katherine Katterjohn and Anne Sue Montgomery re also members of that staff, and we suspect that they all had a hand in aking up the letter. Thelma Van Ness, assistant librarian of the Public Library at Bloomington, gave a paper on "The American Primers" before the general session of the Illinois Library Association meeting in October. Alice Wesley, librarian of the Public Library at Urbana, gave a talk on Book Repair by P.W.A. W o r k e r s " before the Public Library Section of the Illinois Library Association in October. She has been appointed on a committee of the Illinois library association. Marian Wheeler, librarian of the Public Library at Hinsdale, Illinois, gave a talk on "Books W e Should and Would Have Bought" before the Public library Section of the Illinois Library Association meeting in October. Esther Wilkie, librarian of the State Library Extension Service, Santa Fe, ^ew Mexico, talked on "Library Extension Work in New Mexico" at the annual meeting of the New Mexico Library Association at Albuquerque. Elizabeth E. Wilson, head of the Catalog department of the Public Liwary.. Cincinnati, is secretary-treasurer of the Catalog Section of the A.L.A. Cincinnati, is secretary-treasurer ot rnc i^taiug octuun oi mc \.i...\. , Opal Williams, is on the State Library and Library Development Division ' )pal ( 01 the Project Study Committee of the Texas Library Association. 1935-37. * I da P. Wright, librarian of Evanston Public Library, talked on "Your ^ _ ]•'- V Team am? Its Goal" before tin Illinois Library Association meeting in .. Team and Its Goal" before the Illinois Library Association meeting in October. A most interesting report of the Evanston Public Library has been Published in the / anston Reinew, January 16, 1936. lir
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